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Dipper can only stare at the person through the glass with teary eyes wondering why they don't look like a killer. They only look like they did when Dipper first fell in love with them. Somehow it's impossible for Dipper to hate this person who is floating in front of the attic window. And yet... Dipper lets his mind speak for him instead of his heart and turns once more saying, "Go away. I never want to see your face again." Dipper knows good and well that he just lied to himself and not just Robbie.

Dipper waits in a moment of silence thinking he must've left, but a voice surprises him, telling him otherwise, by saying, "No." At this, Dipper shoots out of his bed and screams at Robbie, "You really think that I'm going to let a vampire, much less a murderer, stay in a relationship with me?! You must really think I'm insane to let that happen! An 'I'm sorry' isn't going to change what you are!" Robbie's hair goes over his eyes as he looks slightly down. "I know that," he says. "Then why are you here?!" Dipper shouts back.

Before Robbie can answer, Dipper hears Soos from outside yelling in alarm, "Duuuuuudes!" Dipper assumes that he must've seen Robbie. Soos shouts again, "It's a giant bat!" The sound of the front door opening and closing shows that he's caught everyone's attention. He hears Mabel ask, "In the daylight?" Dipper sees the fear in Robbie's eyes as he realizes he's been caught. Robbie turns his back at the window to face them. That's when Dipper notices his wings.

Robbie's hood had been taken off for Dipper's sake, so there's no way they wouldn't be able to recognize him. At this moment, Dipper wishes he had the journals to see if there's anything on vampires. They never stayed burned when Bill destroyed them. They came back once he was killed. But they had gotten rid of them after Weirdmageddon had ended. Seems just like yesterday. Since this was real he didn't think that the cliche way of how to get rid of a vampire would work.

"That's not a bat, that's..." Mabel says, "Robbie?! You're the vampire?!" Soos and Wendy shout in unison, "Vampire?!" "Robbie Stacey Valentino! Get down here and explain yourself!" Mabel shouted at him, sounding fearless and angry. She's rarely angry.

Robbie flaps his wings softly, lowering himself slowly. Dipper starts to make his way out to them, reluctantly, leaving his hat. He quietly goes through the front door trying not to be noticed by Robbie. Robbie asks, "How do you even know my middle name?" "Your mom said it when I first came to your house," Mabel answers honestly. "And you memorized it?" Robbie asks, slightly freaked out as his feet touch the ground in front of them. "I felt like it was my job, but we're getting off topic," she says. He then retracts his wings like they were never there. Mabel only continues, "Let me get this straight. You're a vampire? And you failed to tell us this the entire time we've known you?" "Yeah," Wendy chimes in, sounding sassy, "That would've been good to know."

Now they're all waiting for Robbie to respond. Robbie speaks regretfully, "I only just found out I was a vampire yesterday. My parents called me a 'late bloomer.'" Mabel yells at the top of her lungs, "It takes two dead people to realize that?!" Robbie shouts back, "I wasn't in control of my own body!" Robbie then stills himself, sighs, and lowers his voice again, "It was like I was an animal running purely on instinct. After it was over, it was like I woke up from a vivid dream but was real. I didn't know where I was or how I got there. I was disgusted at myself because I vaguely remember draining those people, but I only remember it like it was a dream. But I know that none of it is justified. My parents said they regretted not telling me because of this, but they didn't know when the vampire would finally awaken inside me. They understand that mistake and have given me non-human blood to drink. But you don't have to forgive me because I know that something like this is beyond forgivable."

They all stand there in silence. Dipper is now closer behind Robbie without him noticing, but the rest of them know. Mabel puts on her thinking face but it's also mixed with a concerned face. "I think..." she starts, "I think I know how you can prove to us you're trustworthy." They all look at Mabel wondering what she's going to say. "Robbie?" she begins with a pause, "Do you love Dipper? Truly?" "I'm sorry, what?" Wendy asks, thinking she's joking. Robbie looks embarrassed and shuffles his feet, looking down. Pink-faced, he responds, "Yes. More than anyone I've ever loved." Mabel smiles softly and motions her head toward the area behind him. Dipper looks Robbie in the eye as he turns to find Dipper standing there. Robbie bites his lip in more embarrassment.

Clarity✨🥀|| Dipper x Robbie / Dipeon || [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now