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Their arms are still wrapped around each other and Dipper starts to feel a certain heat. He blames Robbie for looking really hot right now. Dipper had asked him to kiss him, but how else could he explain what he's feeling? All he knows is he wants to touch and be touched in any way possible by Robbie.

Since Robbie only stood there, flustered, Dipper grabs his hoodie's collar in both fists and pleads onto his lips, "Robbie..."

Robbie begins to see the look in his eyes. Dipper had to know what would happen if he acted like this, right? Robbie doesn't ask any more questions and connects their lips passionately with their tongues already fighting each other. When Dipper moves Robbie's hand lower he knows for certain that Dipper knows what is happening.

Just as it was about to escalate further, the door squeaks open slowly as if the person opening it is cautious. They both push away from each other and see Mabel standing in the doorway.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to, I mean I expected it, but..." she babbles before straightening back up, "Gideon's here." Robbie looks at Dipper who is looking guilty. She continues, "That's what I was actually hoping would happen, what I just saw, but don't blame me for interrupting it okay? Gideon won't stop pestering to see you, Dipper. So I had to come get you before Gideon forced himself up here only to see...ya know." "It's okay, Mabel. I'll..." Dipper pauses, "How do I tell him?" She only looks at him very sympathetically.

Dipper takes a deep breath and says, "Okay." He walks past Mabel and Robbie questions, "What is happening?" Dipper stops to look at him, but Mabel places her hand on his shoulder and nods at him with a soft smile. Dipper notices the unspoken message and continues down the stairs. Mabel approaches Robbie and tells him, "Don't worry. I assure you, it's not what you think. Both you and Gideon told Dipper you like him at the same time. He spent a day with both of you to see who he would fall in love with. Lucky for you, it's not Gideon. But Gideon doesn't know that yet, so... Come downstairs and you can see for yourself."

Leading Robbie downstairs, she hears their voices in the living room. When they stand in the archway, both Gideon and Dipper's gazes fall on them. Gideon points his thumb out to Robbie and asks Dipper, "What is he doing here? Is he with Mabel?" Mabel snorts at that then tries to force her grin away saying, "Sorry, that's not funny." Robbie also tries not to smile.

"Gideon," Dipper begins, "I don't know how to explain this." "Wait," Gideon stops him, "You're with him?" "Gideon-" "Yes or no?!" Dipper stares at Gideon for a second then finally says, "Yes." Gideon stares back at Dipper, looking obviously betrayed.

"It's not his fault that he had two people tell him they like him at the same time," Mabel chimes in. Dipper explains, "Once I knew who I liked back, I was going to tell you, but..." Dipper looks at Mabel for help. Gideon starts shouting, "But what?! You thought it would be better if I never knew?!" "Why do you think we were at your house that night?!" Mabel shouts back. Gideon looks at her, silent.

"Something bad happened when I was getting ready to tell you about me and Robbie," Dipper says and looks at Robbie sadly. There was silence and Gideon was looking at everyone waiting for an explanation, "Well, tell me!" Dipper looks down not knowing what to say and Mabel looks at Robbie. Robbie looks back at her and then at Dipper, "It's okay. He deserves an explanation." Dipper looks at Robbie and bites his lip, unsure that this will help.

"We were keeping you safe from a vampire that was on the loose," Dipper says. Mabel butts in again, "Technically we used him as bait to catch it." "Shut up, Mabel!" Dipper hisses at her then continues, "Then it turned out that Robbie was the vampire and it kinda hurt my feelings." Gideon eyes Robbie, "So then why-" "Because he didn't know what he was doing until his parents educated him on how to control it," Dipper says quickly. There's a pause until Dipper continues, "I would've told you sooner but then all that happened. Gideon, I'm sorry."

Clarity✨🥀|| Dipper x Robbie / Dipeon || [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now