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When I was in high-school, I was a 'nerd', I had little interest in being around people my age. I always spent time with the upperclassmen and studied day in and day out. 

How else was I supposed to escape my family? 

I was quiet, a trait I adapted after being told too many times by my parents to "Shut up" or that I "Talk too much with nothing to say" 

Being this way, I met quite a few people like me. Quiet, studious, working on their futures to be more than their parents assumed we'd all be.

I also met my fair share of bullies. 

One of which just happened to be Yoongi Min. I'd describe him as nothing less than an asshole. He's entitled, and a jerk. He had no problem smacking the books from my hands and holding my face down on the pavement as I tried to pick them up.

He had no issues making my life hell. 

And now it appears as though I'm fucking his fiancé. 

Oh how the mighty fall. 

Or so I thought. 

But if the way he grabbed the secretary's ass says anything about him, he's not as into the engagement as I thought. 

"So..what's the deal between Kate and Yoongi?" I asked Jin as he joined me in the conference room 

"Arranged marriage. Yoongi's dad owns another major company, and even though Kate is the CEO this is her father's company. Anything he says, goes. And he told her she had to marry Yoongi and merge the companies. She hates him, and he enjoys getting under her skin. That's why I was so surprised that she was in a good mood today despite him being here" 

I nodded and watched the way Yoongi flirted with the secretary, whispering in her ear and touching her. 


The dude flirts like an old man trying to pick up a girl half his age. 

The sound of heels clicking against the floor made everyone sit up straight and turn towards the door, except me. I stayed leaned back in my chair with my legs apart and locked eyes with her as soon as she entered the meeting. As luck would have it, or as I planned it, she had to sit between Jin and I at the head of the table. 

The meeting was uninteresting, I had to stop myself from getting up and walking out. It dragged on while everyone talked and at one point Jin had to give a presentation, I noticed Kate looking for a specific paper in the folder Jin had handed out, so I slipped my hand under the table and rested it on her upper thigh as I leaned in and whispered in her ear 

"This one" I lifted it with my other hand and sat it in front of her "pay better attention sweetheart" I whispered into her ear as I let my palm slide further up her leg, she put her hand over mine as she turned her attention back to Jin, I was expecting her to push me away but instead she decided to pull my hand further up and pressed it against her panties as she moved her chair closer to the table 

I smirked and stared ahead as Jin kept talking, he dimmed the lights and I smiled wider as he turned on the projector, with everyone facing forward and the lights dimmed down I took advantage of the freedom she gave me and began sliding my fingers up and down the front of her panties, feeling her folds through the fabric and the bit of dampness that appeared as she shuddered and tried to keep her breathing normal 

I slipped my fingers into her panties and slid them between her folds feeling how wet she was as her fiancé sat four chairs down and paid attention to Jin's presentation, when two of my fingers slid into her hole and my thumb traced circles lazily against her clit she closed her eyes so I stopped 
"Pay attention CEO, this is your company after all" I licked the shell of her ear as she opened her eyes and rested her head in the palm of her hand

Only Human.   KTH ff Where stories live. Discover now