Gotta Zayn!

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So yesterday as soon as I left to go home from school, I quickly skim through my Instagram feed (if that's what it's called, I don't really care) a friend of mine posts a picture of Zayn saying "no stay!" (In my own words cause I'm too lazy to go to Instagram right now and check what they had said originally) and I do not know what the hell is going on. So I ask her vas happenin'? (see what I did there?) and she tells me Zayn has officially quit the band. My heart immediately shatters however I don't start bawling and like listening to one direction songs. Now before you say I'm not a true directioner, shut the fuck up and calm the fuck down.

Instead I just sit there and fully support Zayn. I go to tumblr and watch the directioners who support Zayn and all the fan art that actually makes me tear up a bit.

BUT then I hear some directioners are cutting themselves thinking that Zayn is going to come back if they continue to do so. Now what the fuck is going through your demented heads. It will make him concerned but I'm pretty sure it won't bring him back to the group. And it may seem that I am not giving a single about the situation but I do care, you "directioners" are just making it extremely difficult for the boys which makes me super fucking aggravated. It's like a little boy who gets refused to get candy and threatens to kill himself. You guys are only hurting yourselves and it will give parents the wrong impression like "holy shit this band is causing my son/daughter to be suicidal and depressed. I don't want my son/daughter listening to this group of boys if it's causing them to do these things." And your parents and other people who would have sons or daughters who will soon to like One Direction to prevent their children to hearing these boys. This is not fucking necessary and it's certainly a waste of time.

AND then I hear about One Directions stocks going down since Zayn quit the group. I say you're not a true directioner if you're going to stop listening to One Direction after Zayn left. Like how petty is that, Harry, Liam, Louis, and Niall could just simply quit and are trying to help you guys cope with all this while you are hurting them. They have a life and they don't need to be dealing with your tantrums and saying "holy shit if so and so is not going to be in the band then I might as well stop listening." May I remind you that there are other boys in this group who are ridiculously talented and are trying their best to also cope with this situation because they not only lost their best friend but a brother.

And for those who are mocking the directioners whilst they grieve for a member that they lost you are fucking horrible. It's like someone is laughing at you when you have lost a family member, it's basically fucking bullying.

Now Zayn's family has confirmed that he has signed a contract (apparently) saying he could come back to One Direction at any time. So enough with the cutting and tantrums and bullying.


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