In the gang?

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Then it happened. A black escalade pulled up and Nash jumped in... But why would he do that? He just left? No there's no way he would do that not to me. Not now after he knows what happened. Not after everything we've been through!

I chased after the car until I couldn't feel my legs. Nobody tried to stop the car and nobody tried to look out the windows and say something. I layed on the street for a while before I finally caught my breath and was able to walk home. I had probably scared the boys. They all saw us walk out and they all knew what had happened. It took me a while to get inside. I mean how are you supposed to tell your gang that his brother.. Disappeared? I don't even know what happened what should I say..
That he was kidnapped? Stolen? That he just ran away? I guess I'll just tell it as I saw it.

I walked back into the room to see the gang loading there guns. They must've been getting ready to go to a gang war. I froze in the living room and they all looked at me. I tensed up and just started about what happened...

By the time I was finished with my story the guys had different looks on there faces... Confusion. Anger. Disappointment.

I stood there and waited for someone to say something. Nobody did though. We just sat there and didn't say a word.

Cameron was the first to speak up "Hmm. So who wants to speak up? I know one of y'all knows what happened?"

All the guys murmured I don't knows and who cares.

Then Jacob spoke. "I know where he went. He went out to party. Nicole was just his perfect excuse to get out of the house without us thinking he would go to a party." He shrugs like it was nothing then everyone goes back to loading guns and stashing knives.

Well. He's just out partying. With other girls. That are getting the attention that I should be getting. Hm. This actually hurt. I don't k ow why but it did. He'd been showing me love and attention and all I did was shove him away. I guess I would go see other people at party's to so I can't really blame him. I went up to my room and saw a note on my window sill, my window was still slightly cracked.. Hmm that's weird I don't remember opening it in the first place. I open the note and it reads:

Hello beautiful. Its me, your favorite person alive. I noticed your poor little Nash left you, all alone. And the other gang members of the house have a war to attend to. So you know what that means? You'll be home. All by yourself! That's when I'll come and bring you back to me my darling. Until then, be good ;)

Oh god I thought to myself. He's right I'm going to be home all alone. I won't be able to fight him off by myself! What am I gonna do?

Then Aaron came in. " Hey." His eyes roamed to the note in my hand. "What ya got there.. A love note from Nashy Poo? Aww let me read it!"

Before I could deny he grabbed the note out of my hand and read it. His face went from playful and giggly to straight and emotionless. He then grabbed me and took me downstairs.

He let the whole gang read it before speaking up. "What are we gonna do? She can't stay here. Not with him ready to attack and kidnap her again!" He said his face red and angry.

"Just have someone stay with her. We can't miss that gang war dude. C'mon. Especially not over her." Chase said. This earned him a hit on the back of the head.

"She's family now dude!" All the guys screamed at him in unison.

"Let's take her on the gang war with us. I mean its not that hard to shoot and stab. She looks like the fighting and feisty type anyways." Jacob said then winked at me. Gosh only him to be flirting at a serious moment.

Wait did he say.. Me? In the gang? Woah. There's no way anybody will agree. But before I let the thought slip out ofy mouth they all agreed and patted jacob on the back.

They handed me 2 knives to slide in my boot and a gun to tuck in my shorts. And that's how I became a member of the gang.

Soo... I know it took longer to update but its not my fault.. Well it is bit whatever. You love me anyways.

That was a twist in the story wasn't it :D Ya. No. Ok then Xc

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