Only A Soliders Help

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Okk so that is from one of my favorite movies. Its called The Suicide Room. And omg its like an emotional roller coaster like I swear. But its amazing and you should watch it. The video should be up there but its a polish movie so there are English subtitle's but its still like amaze-balls!


Then it hit me.

Nash has his men playing solider.

How could Josh have been so stupid to not see this? I mean he must've just gave this men a job without checking where they came from. He has honestly made a huge mistake on his part but I don't care because this means I'm getting out for sure if Nash's men are already walking on premises. This gave me a new hope. I now knew I could survive for the little bit of time I had left here.

"Darling don't get lost in your thoughts. Now onto the deal with Nash... Do you know what's happening with him?" Josh spoke in a firm tone and eyed me very cautiously. I held his strong gaze and he began to speak again. "Nash is deciding to try and play around with us. He's set some of our camp out bases into flames. He's even stepped on mansion property and killed some of our men. This is why we upped our soldier count." I smiled at this. He still didn't know about him hiring Nash's men and I found that hilarious. He began again " I've decided to keep you within my mansion again because I figured Nash knew about my special little hideout. You are only to be directed around by me and the new assigned soliders understand? Speaking of soldier's I'll get the two from earlier to walk you back to you room." With that he dialed up a number and called for the soldiers.

I wasn't used to Josh being so strict but I didn't really care. I only had to deal with it for a few more days or maybe even hours because I don't really know when I'm planned to be leaving.

My train of thought stopped when I heard the door open. In came the 2 same soldiers from earlier. They kept a stern look on they're face totally different from the grins and laughs they had playing a few minutes ago when I was with them. I have to admit they did a pretty good job at acting.

"I need you gentlemen to escort Mrs. Nicole to her room. Understand?" Said Josh calmly.

The men shook they're heads and walked up to both sides of my arms and we left the room.

Once we got out of sight and earshot from everyone Is when we started talking.

"So figure it out yet sweet cheeks?" Mr.Cocky said as he threw a heart stopping smile in my direction. I rolled my eyes and looked down the hall.

"Figure what out?" I questioned.

"Who we are?" He replied in a duh tone of voice.

"Nash's men. Duh." I said playfully. He smiled "Damn Nash sure does have a bright one here. No wonder he's made so much commotion about getting you back." He said with a deep chuckle.

We kept walking. We somehow ended up in the upstairs area. I looked around confused? I thought I was going to my room? Are we escaping already?

"So Nicole here's the plan for the escape because I already know you've been thinking about it. Anyways, tonight we will come to your room at midnight and since we have access to take you anywhere on site we will be able to get past the guards without suspicion. Have your bags packed and ready to go. I recommend you pack lightly though since they're will be a fair amount of running and ducking tonight. We will bring you vests and a gun just in case you need it. Understand?" He said quickly. I shook my head. He smiled "Good now we're going to take you back to your room. Its 8 now so you have 4 hours to prepare. Ok." He smiled again then we headed towards my room.

We walked down the hall a bit. We passed the guards that guarded my room then I was left alone. I had 4 hours to prepare. I figured I'd sleep until 10 and have 2 hours to pack a light carry on bag.

Once I woke up I found a blue string tie bag and packed it with what little clothes I had and a few snacks because I didn't know how far we'd be traveling until we found Nash. By the time I finished packing and took a quick shower it was already 11:45. I sat around quietly until I heard the footsteps coming down the hall then my anxiety began. I started worrying about all the possible things that could go wrong, we could get shot, we could make a wrong turn and get captured, I mean there's so many things to go wrong. The door clicked open and in stepped the 2 same soldier's from earlier.

They both had cheeky grins plastered on there faces. My anxiety instantly drowned away and was replaced with determination.

"Ready sweet cheeks?" One said happily.

I shook my head then we started out to our great escape.


Its short but o well kill me for it. Anywayssss I know I haven't updated and I sowwy but I've been busy since its summer!! I'll try and update the next chapter asap!

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