Late Night Fight

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I walked out the house with the rest of the gang. I had Jacob and Nick to my left and Aaron, Cameron, and Chase to my right. Between all of us we had 17 guns and 23 knives on us.

May the odds be ever in your favor.

I thought we'd have a pretty good chance I mean besides the weapons we had a pretty good team all the guys are strong and muscled up. Then there's me... But hey at least I have weapons. The gang said we're nearing the location of the fight my nerves are up and my energy is through the roof. We stopped and had a quick pep talk and the team told me what to do.

"Ok first things first. If you see someone in need of help as in, about to get shot or stabbed get your ass over there and help as soon as possible. Secondly, if you need help don't worry about screaming, if we hear you scream we'll help as soon as we can. Lastly, don't be scared to use your weapon, if he's coming up on you stab or shoot the fuck out of him. Ok."

This speech was directed towards me since everyone else had already been going on the gang wars for a while. I knew that they were going to be watching me and I would feel terrible if someone got hurt because of me. I decided I'd be cold and ruthless tonight. Nobody would get hurt because of me.

The gang then did there regular warm up. Pep talk, making sure guns are loaded, knives are stocked you know.. The basics.

We entered the alley way and I saw nobody but obviously the guys knew where they were because they all grabbed a guy behind the dumpsters, mattresses, trash cans etc. And why they were all doing this I stood there. I mean you can't blame me it was my first fight how was in supposed to know where people hide. Then I saw him. Out of the corner of my eye the glint of metal caught my eye. I instantly turned around and grabbed my knife out of my boot. As soon as I looked up I felt pain. My arm had a stinging sensation. I looked down and it was pouring blood. I took off my jacket and tightened it around my arm. I looked back at the gang member, he was young looked about my age, blonde hair, he'd be hot if he wasn't trying to kill me. He jerked forward and I jumped back.

"You know its not likely for a girl to be in a gang, especially a gang war." He said with a smirk. Then tried to strike me again.

"Yea well I guess I'm not a normal girl now am I." I spoke. My boost of confidence came out of nowhere.

"Yea well a pretty girl like you shouldn't be out here especially with you not being trained... Someone could knock you out and take you home to pleasure themse-" He didn't get to finish his sentence. At first I was confused but then I saw the person behind him. Nash. He leaned down and whispered in his ear.

"Now Andre I suggest you apologize to my girl here for talking to her in such a rude manner." So this guys name is Andre. Hmm.

"Why should I apologize to her. And your girl well I'm sorry but I don't see a ring so.." Andre said cockily them winked at me. Nash tightened his grip.

I spoke up "Nash I can handle him perfectly fine... now back off for a minute darling." Nash looked confused but backed off.

This is payback I thought to myself then kissed Andre on the lips. He smirked into the kiss and I just kept going. All of a sudden Andre was off me and Nash was beating him to a pulp. By the time I got him off of Andre he was limp and barely breathing. The boys had already surrounded us, I guess they fought of the rest of the gang already.

Nash walked up to me and kissed me roughly on the lips and grabbed my arm. I told him to let go but he wouldn't. We left the alley with the gang and all still there. Nash kept pulling me down the road. We ended up in the woods and he still hadn't let go of me. His strong grip started to hurt and I knew it would bruise later on. What he did next surprised and shocked me....


Soo... I don't know about this chapter.. I just needed to update and it sounded good in my head so

Anyways tell me your opinion cuz I honestly don't think it was to good...

Anywayssss I'm sick. I had to stay our of school and that's why I updated. So be happy I'm sick Xc

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