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Come in!

He knew he had a job to do. To protect his people. And now he couldn't be distracted. He fixed his mind on the ongoing issue as he saw faizi, his teammate and friend coming in. Looking at him Karan knew there was something going on. He wasn't as subtle as he was trying to be. Karan knew his friends and foe like the back of his hands. Actually he was very good at reading people.

Jai hind commander ! Faizi saluted him as he signalled him to take a seat, still observing him intently. Faizi knew his gaze and also what it meant. But duty comes first.

What is it Karan? Any new mission?

Karan understood his friend's unsaid words. Duty first!

Mission it is faizi! Dindori! There is something going on in that place.

Faizi looked a bit confused on the mention of that place.

Dindori? Karan that place is more like a naksal area. Not that I have any issue, but isn't it supposed to be the work of the local police and security departments? We are commandos.

Karan looked at faizi a bit tired. The whole marriage function and then travelling straight to deolali without any break had made him exhausted but that's what it is. Just tiredness. Nothing he can't handle.

Yeah, I know where you are coming from. But that's the point faizi. Though it is a naksalwadi area, those people have got access to some very high-tech ammunitions.

Faizi's eyes widened in realisation.

So, you think it is because someone is helping them externally?

Karan nodded a little before showing him some pictures in his laptop.

Man! This is insane. Faizi was shocked at those pictures. It showed people with advanced machine guns and other ammunitions. And they were none other than the naksals of Dindori as their leader could be seen in some of them too.

This is what the mission is about, faizi. According to my knowledge, they have planned on to start destruction from in the lower internal area of the country. If they succeed, they might be able to cause a rift and civil war in the country.

Faizi knew what it meant. They simply had to do everything in their power and stop those people from doing any kind of destruction to their motherland.

This is a mess. But looking at you I am guessing we already have a plan.

Faizi said while raising a brow at him while he smirked back.

Nothing new Faizuddin Siddique. Enter the enemies camp and boom!

Faizi knew Karan could be quite reckless while doing his job. Though his recklessness never let anyone else suffer but himself. He had been back from the mouth of death in one such mission. And now hearing him say this again faizi remembered his friend's pale and bruised face which made him shiver. Shaking his head, he told him his answer.

No. Not happening. Karan you can't keep on being this way. You are a married man now. Atleast think about your wife before putting yourself through these dangers that too knowingly.

Karan knew what his friend was saying. But he never wanted his marriage to stop him from performing his duties. He has never backed out of any mission. He wouldn't do it now or ever in future.

Shaadi ki hai faizi, zanjeere nahi bandhwai. I am still the same man.

Faizi shaked his head at his friend's behaviour. They said he was the smartest but when it came to being a bit thoughtful of feelings or being soft, understanding intricate emotions, he was a big zero.

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