Hidden Heritage Revealed

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Hey everyone here with the newest chapter of my story. I know you all were excited to read what happened next. Well here it is hope you all enjoy it. It was really fun to write this and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

Lily was proud of herself as she overworked the house elves to ensure that everything was perfect for her savior. This was going to be the proudest moment of her life as this will increase her son's popularity and show off the regalness of the Potter family. Lords and Ladies of many prominent and old families will be attending including the minster himself. The colors were gold and red as usual. Her husband actually suggested green and silver oooooh Merlin forbid the thought. She was a Gryffindor to the end and will always be a lion at heart.

"Mistress Lily the decor is finished and guests are starting to arrive." Mopsy announced as sounds of apparating were heard.

"Thank you Mopsy please see them in" Lily said arrogantly.

The elf bowed and tended to the guests that were arriving. Meanwhile Lily looked herself over for a minute checking to see if she had anything out of place. She was dressed in a red dress with golden braids in her lavish red hair. She was quite the beauty which many men were allured too. Seeing that nothing was put of place she strutted out with a pureblood poise and went to greet the guests. The first of them to arrive was Lord Nicholas and Lady Perenelle Flamel known for their master in alchemy. Nicholas was dressed in his best dress robes where as his wife was dressed in a beautiful dark blue dress with purple sashes.

"Lord and Lady Flamel welcome" Lily smiled giving a curtsy.

"Charmed Lady Potter" Nicholas responded kissing her hand.

"We thank you for your invite to the Potter Ball." Perenelle smiled.

"Please help yourself to any refreshment you like"

"Thank you" Nicholas responded as he took his wife's hand and left.

The following guests that followed behind them were Lord and Ladies Malfoy, Parkinson, Nott, Weasley, Rosier, Daivs, Greengrass etc. Lily was very polite and welcoming to the light pureblood families but putting on a fake welcoming to the darker families. They all responded in proper etiquette as expected from them. The last to arrive was Albus Dumbledore.

"Albus welcome glad you could make it" Lily welcomed him.

"Thank you dear girl. I was just dealing with other things at the ministry. But enough of that how is Charles doing?" Albus smiled wanting to know how the savior of the world was doing.

"He is a pretty intelligent boy he's quite above his peers at his age. His magical core is still average but when he gets older his magic will increase. It's like you said he has a larger core than the average wizard." Lily boasted.

Albus was glad to hear that his prized chess piece was doing well in his studies and magical prowess. Pretty soon when Voldemort makes a return Charles will die weakening the dark lord and then he will step in and claim the title as world's greatest wizard since Merlin.

"That's wonderful news Lily. How's the other one?"

"Oooh that Squib, he's being a bit of a distraction. Charles spends to much time with that brat, hell even my friend Mia is encouraging this behavior. I know the boys are close but Charles needs to realize he has a job to do, it's his duty to the wizarding world."

Albus nodded listening to Lily's rant about Harry.

"Don't worry my dear he just needs to understand the greater good. I'm sure with encouragement from Sirius and Remus he will come to understand."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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