19. The signs flirting

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Aires: Hey! Um, uh, I think you, and like, me, should, um hangoutmorepleaseiwanttomarryyou.

Taurus: *winks*

Gemini: If you were a vegetable you'd be a cute-cumber! ;)

Cancer: Doesn't flirt never actually flirts or speaks to the person because oh god what if they don't like me????

Leo: Tries to show off their skills whenever the person they like is around.

Virgo: Hahahhahahahahahaha it's just haha that you're so hehe funny!

Libra: Word vomits like crazy.

Scorpio: Fuck you.

Sagittarius: Fuck me.

Capricorn: Oh my god what do I do how do I talk help.

Aquarius: Texts all the time but never talk in person.

Pisces: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;)

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