His Family

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We open the door to the pizzeria and the heavenly aroma threatens to knock me on my bottom. I order 2 slices with extra pepperoni, and a diet Pepsi. Sean orders 2 slices just cheese and a diet Pepsi. We grab a table off to the corner of the small restaurant, where it's kind of secluded and I continue to watch him intently. He looks up and says "Do you need me to repeat it again?" I shake my head no as I take in his proposition. I take a bite of my pizza and a sip of my drink before responding, "I'll do it, but does that mean I'm your pretend girlfriend?" He just chuckled at me and ate his pizza. We sit in silence for a few minutes and then I'm curious to know, "What did happen with your ex that made you dump her? If I can ask, I know I already passed boundaries once before." He sips his drink and looks at me "She was a money hungry, selfish person. I want someone who cares about other people, I want someone simple and laid back, but who can ass clean up nice for my black tie events." He looks into my eyes and says "I need someone like you." I nearly chocked on my drink when I heard that. "What's so special about me? Im just simple Rebekah I like books and movies, I'd rather stay home then be partying all night."

"That's exactly what I need in my life, someone stable and loving and caring, not after me for my money or my family name. I think I should be single for a while." I nod maybe that's I good idea I think, I've been single for 4 years now it's not that big of a deal. So we finish lunch with some light conversation and a cannoli to split. Then he walks me back to my job and tells me to put in my resignation, and be at his off tomorrow at 9 with their coffee's. They split off to finish the work day and both have huge grins on their faces.

Friday morning at Kelly Enterprise Inc.

It's 8:55 am, I'm 5 minutes early but you have to make a good impression on your new boss I get off the elevator on the highest floor of the building and walk into a big open are there is a men's room to the left and a ladies to the right. In the middle sits a huge desk with a brown base and a sterile white counter top. There were flower pots at each end of the desk, made the lobby smell of lilies and tulips. Behind the desk sat a woman with straight blonde hair, she was laughing to someone on the phone when she noticed I was there. You wouldn't think she was pregnant but when she hung up and struggled to stand all you could see was belly. "Good morning, you must be Rebekah. I'm Lana Wilson current assistant to Sean Kelly. I'll be training you over the next couple weeks. Today you'll be learning the basics with Sean himself."
I could feel my face turn slightly red, as I thought about what the day was to hold. Just then the ding! of the elevator had me stock still like a soldier. Off Walked Sean in a charcoal grey suit, a blue tie that matched his eyes and cuff links that im sure were inscribed with his initials.

Sean's POV

I get off the elevator expecting to see Lana on the phone with her husband as normal, I don't mind cause she's a really good friend. But instead the first think I see is Rebekah in a black mid thigh skirt, a blue blouse the exact color of my tie and black flats. Her hair is done up in a sock bun and she has 2 coffee's in hand. I walk through the lobby "Good morning Lana, good morning Rebekah" she blushes and repeats me. I head towards my office and I inform her to follow, like all good girls she complies. I jump right into business, "I have a charity event Saturday night, I know we have the barbecue but I need you by my side that night as well. I will provide you with a dress, shoes, a clutch and the necessary jewelry. Are you able to do that for me on such short notice." All she did was nod her head and offer me my coffee. I was liking this transition already. It would be even better when it's just her and I on this floor after lana leaves. I tell her I'll be giving her a tour of the place and I explain how I expect the night to go Saturday. She nods taking notes, and just smiles every now and then. Slowly but surely we look at the time and we have a half hour left. I'm getting even more excited cause tomorrow is Saturday and I plan on kissing her at least once. This should be fun, I will get her at whatever cost.
End Sean's POV

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