The Morning After

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I couldn't understand what was happening right now. We had an amazing time last night I thought, so why would I wake in the morning and hear him gushing about me, but asking whom ever was on the other end of the phone about his ex? I hurried back to his bedroom as it sounded like he was ending the call. I started to get dressed telling myself not to mention anything and just see how today plays out. I hear him coming down the hall just as I finish putting my shirt on and zipping my jeans. "Good morning gorgeous woman" is all I hear as I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist. Instantly I forget about the phone conversation, there is no way possible this adoring man would ever hurt me. "Good morning handsome" I say back. "Your up awfully early. There is no way we slept more than 4, 4 1/2 hours." His reply brings the conversation back "yeah I had a 7 o'clock conference call this morning, afterwards I called my mother to see if she had plans today." Duh Rebekah his mother doesn't live far from here, "how is your mother by the way?" "She's doing just fine, I was thinking the three of us could do lunch today." I kept playing the conversation over in my head, mainly the "should I call her" part. "I think lunch would be lovely, but are you sure your ready for your mother and I to meet?" He looked at me puzzled as if I forgot everything that just happened yesterday. "Is everything ok Rebekah?" I look at him and I promised myself I wouldn't do it but it just comes slipping out "I overheard your conversation with your mother, I'm sorry it was rude to eavesdrop and I was raised better than that but I couldn't help but over hear that Evelyn is in town and you were wondering if you should call her." He looks me straight in the face and says "sweetheart you have nothing to worry about. I was just asking if I should call her because I still have a few boxes of her things in my garage and seeing as I'm in a new relationship, I hope, I would like for her to come retrieve them." I start chuckling and shaking my head at the same time, I knew I was letting my emotions get the best of me. I have to stop letting my mind run wild with these rampage thoughts. I look up at him and smile "I knew you wouldn't hurt me." After clearing the air I decide I would love you join him and his mother for lunch, so I give him a see-you-soon kiss and head to my house to grab a change of clothes.

As I arrive at home I hear another announcement about the Ms. Evelyn Ross. I can't take it anymore with the "Is she back for her man she left behind?" or "Will Evelyn and Sean rekindle the romance that once was?" I turn my car off and hop out to head inside, once inside the house I head towards my bedroom and straight into my closet. I have to make a good first impression on Sean's mother, after all I could end up marrying this guy eventually. I pick out 3 summer dresses to choose from. There is a yellow and white one with a flower design towards the bottom, there is a baby blue and light gray stripped one, and last but not least there is one that's all white with a sunflower on the bottom. I decide to go with the all white with sunflower dress, I tie my hair back into a loose ponytail leaving some loose curl strands out, add some light lip gloss and I'm back out the door and on my way back to Sean's. As I arrive back at his home there is 2 vehicles that were not there when I left, one is a matte black Mercedes G Wagon with tinted windows and the other is a white X5 sDrive35i BMW. I head towards the front door and hear Sean talking with someone, "look I only invited you in to get your things, I need you to leave before Rebekah gets back." It almost broke my heart to find out that Evelyn was just on the other side of my man's front door mere inches from him having a conversation. I hesitantly knocked on the door and waited for him to come and open it up. When he opened the door he froze. Maybe because he wasn't expecting me back so quick or maybe because Evelyn stood right behind him with a "this is who he's dating now" smirk on her face. "Rebekah, wow baby you look beautiful." I smiled because even though Evelyn was here he still acted as though I was the only girl in the word. I gave him a hug and kiss, more so to piss Evelyn off and let her know I don't fear a little competition. From behind him we heard her make like she was clearing her throat "mmhmm". We both turned and looked at her wondering why she wanted our attention. "It's nice to finally put a face to a name. I've been hearing things about the both of you since I arrived back in North Carolina." I look at her and with a smirk of my own and embracing Sean tighter I reply "all good things I hope." Next thing I know I seen an older but not too much older woman come around the corner "Sean sweetie, where are the tea bags I bought last week when I stopped by to see you?" Her eyes twinkled when she saw me and shot daggers when she saw Evelyn. "Hello sweetheart, you must be Rebekah. I'm Alana Kelly, Sean's mother." She had the same eyes and hair color as her son and I could see the resemblance clear as day. "Yes ma'am I'm Rebekah Reynolds, and its a pleasure to meet the women who brought this wonderful man into this world." She smiled from ear to ear watching how her son and I interacted with each other. It took a minute to realize Evelyn was still standing there. I look at Sean and let him know ill help his mother find the tea bags while he finishes with Evelyn. As I walk off I feel a tug at my heart as I hear her comment "So you go from riches to rags huh?" I pray he defends me.

Sean's POV

Shortly after Rebekah left my mother called back to say she would be on her way in a little bit. After I hung up the phone I ran to shower and change my clothes. Once I finished getting ready there was a knock at my front door and I ran to answer it. I opened it hoping to see Rebekah or even my mother, maybe she was already on her way when we talked. I was shocked and almost a little angry to see Evelyn standing on my doorstep, "Oh its just you, come to get your things?" She looked up at me through her lashes and said "Is that anyway to talk to your fiancé darling?" I can not for the life of me understand the audacity of this woman. "For starters Evelyn, your my ex fiancé, that became apparent when you decided to leave me, second who do you think you are to just show up at my door like this?" I shook my head and started massaging my temples, lord this woman gave me a headache from hell. "Look Sean I'm sorry for how I ended things and left them when I packed up and moved. I wanted so badly for you to come with me.." I had to stop her right there, "if you wanted me to go why would you pack and leave while I was away on business?" I then thought about it and I honestly didn't care to hear her response. "I'm actually glad you came, I've started seeing someone new and I'm not too sure how comfortable she'd be with you still having boxes of stuff in my garage. So if you wouldn't mind you may step into the foyer while I retrieve the boxes for you." As soon as she was about to walk through the door I noticed a very familiar Mercedes pulling into my drive way. It was my mother and she was here sooner than I thought she'd be. I told Evelyn to stand right there while I walked to get my mother from her car. As soon as I reached the vehicle my mother already had the door open and was mouthing the words "what the hell is she doing here son". Once my mother was in the house she headed straight for the kitchen, while Evelyn and I continued talking in the foyer. About 2-3 minutes had passed and I heard another soft knock on the door. I opened it to find my beautiful girlfriend standing there in a white dress with a sunflower on the bottom, I couldn't help but admire the way the dress form fitted her. She looked like something was bothering her and then I remembered my ex fiancé standing behind me. I moved aside for Rebekah to enter and as she did she embraced me extremely tight and gave me the biggest, softest, passionate kiss she could. I knew it was mainly to show Evelyn I was taken but I played along. My mother comes around the corner and her eyes brighten when she sees my dilemma. "Hello sweetheart, you must be Rebekah. I'm Alana Kelly, Sean's mother." Just at that moment I couldn't have been happier to have my mother around. "Its such a pleasure to meet the wonderful woman my son has so many amazing things to say about." Now that my mother has officially met my possible future wife I've got to get rid of the ex almost wife. "Evelyn, if you give me a few minutes ill run and grab the boxes for you." As I see my mother lead Rebekah to the kitchen, I hear Evelyn say "so you go from riches to rags?". I was stunned to hear that come from her mouth but then again she was all about money and pricey objects. "If you must know I don't care what she does and does not have, she is an amazing person. She is beautiful and caring, funny and spontaneous, and she also isn't a gold digger." She was shocked at the way I was speaking to her, but quite frankly I didn't care. I would not allow her to speak about Rebekah that way. I went to the garage to retrieve the boxes so I could get this woman out of my home. As I return with the boxes, my mother and Rebekah have joined Evelyn in the foyer. "Ahh well here are the rest of your things from after the break up. Now if you'll excuse us we have a lunch reservation to get to." With that we were all out the door, the three of us on our merry way, and Evelyn on her way to wherever it is she spawned from.

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