Weekday Rush

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After an amazing night with Sean again for the second night in a row, I awaken to a warm, muscular body wrapped around me. Legs intertwined with mines, arm under my neck while the other is thrown over the dip above my waist. As I start to unravel him from myself, I feel him shuffle behind me. "Good morning Ms. Reynolds" I giggle and turn back to see him in his freshly awaken male form, "Good morning Mr. Kelly. I'm surprised your still here, thought you would have been gone for at least 2 hours now. I look at the bedside table to check the time, its 8:05 am. Yeah usually this man is the first one to arrive to work and the last to leave. He pulls me into his arms and says "when your the boss, you decide your own schedule." As I snuggle into his chest I realize I have an hour and a half to get ready for work and be there on time. I turn, give him a quick kiss and bounce out the bed, and into my closet. After deciding on a pair of blue jeans and a pale pink t-shirt, I throw on my white toms and head for the kitchen to brew some coffee. Shortly after the coffee is brewed, Sean comes slowly walking out of my bedroom. "You know, I have an assistant position opening up in a few days. I think you'd be a perfect fit." I carefully think before I answer, "that would be amazing, but I like were I work and I would need a whole new wardrobe to even strike an interview." "Why would you think that? I'm the boss remember, so you would be interviewing with me. And by the way your looking I would say you already have the job." I nod but not in agreement, "can I take some time to think it over?" "Sure thing sweetheart." Satisfied that it didn't turn into an argument, I hand him a cup of coffee. Once we finish the coffee we both head towards the front door. He kindly opens it for me as I step out I feel him run his hand across my butt. Once he has stepped out, I turn to lock up for the day. He walks me to my car and we share another kiss, saying our goodbyes I hop in the car watch him get in his car and we're both off to start our work day. As I'm driving I start considering his offer to come and work for him. I figure its more money, and I would see Sean more often. What I was against was the fact that my boss would be my boyfriend too.

 When I arrived to work we were almost hitting lunch rush hour, so I clock in, get my apron on and prepare myself for the weekday rush. At exactly 10:30 our first few customers walk in, already scanning the menu that's hanging behind the counter. "Welcome to the Whole Blends Café, my name is Rebekah how may I serve you today?" After hearing myself repeat the same opening sentence at least a dozen times, I hear the bell of the door ringing, meaning someone has just walked in. I look up stunned to see Evelyn standing there waiting to be served. As soon as she looks up and notices me a huge smile spreads across her face. "OMG, hahahaha Rebekah? As in Sean Kelly's new girlfriend?" I almost put my head down as if ashamed, but I refrain. One because I chose this job willingly, and two because I have never let people of her status see me so much as anything other than happy. "Is there something I can help you with?" Seeing as its my job, I can't very well be rude to a customer. She snickers again then responds "well server girl, I'll have one of those delicious blueberry muffins, and a upside down iced caramel macchiato with extra whip cream." Not letting her bother me what so ever I start preparing her order. I once again here the bell of the door ringing and immediately her a burst of screaming. I turn to see three of Evelyn's friends come barreling through the door. "Evelyn, is that you? Wow you look amazing." "What's it been like a year? How are things going with Sean. Everyone is saying that's the whole reason you've come back." I try so hard not to eavesdrop but can't help myself. I hear her responses, "Thank you, I have a very strict fitness coach. I haven't seen Sean much since I've returned, but I plan on showing up to his annual charity ball." I could not believe this delusional woman was really trying to make a move on my man. As soon as I was done with her order I handed her the bag and coffee cup, her and her friends were out the door. I had to call Sean as soon as I could so he could know what he was up against.

Sean's POV

I was just finishing up in a meeting and walking back to my office when my assistant, Amalie told me I had a call waiting on line 1. As I enter my office I kind of hope it's Rebekah so I sort of rush to answer it. To my surprise it is the wonderful woman I'm falling for. "Well, well, well. What have we here? An answer to my proposition already?" She doesn't answer right away and I start to panic a little. "Rebekah are you there? Hello?" After a short moment of silence I hear a deep breath and then her response. "So I'm working like any other day when your lovely ex walks in. I hear her mention to her friends that she's attending your annual charity ball. What's that all about? Hello to you too." I quickly respond "I don't necessarily know everyone who attends. It usually is majority of my clients and investors and basically anyone with money, who likes to spend it on a good cause. Besides I know your not a little jealous, you'll be on my arm the whole night anyways. No way I'm letting you out of my sight, especially if you look as good as I imagine you will." I wait for her response, which comes a few moments later "she said she's basically attending to win you back." That part I was not expecting. What the hell was I supposed to say to that? "Baby girl you have nothing to worry about, again you'll be on my arm the whole time so how would she even get close to me?" Once I've reassured her that everything will be just peachy, we wish each other a good rest of the day and I tell her that I will see her tomorrow around 6 to start getting ready for the ball at my place. After about 3 and a half hours of filing paperwork, reading and responding to emails, and making calls to people I know for a fact are attending I look at the clock to see it reading 8:15 pm. I realize almost everyone has cleared out of the office, so I finish the last email hit send and shut down my computer. Its been a long day and nothing sounds better than a hot shower and fresh, clean linen sheets.

As I'm walking to my car I hear a females voice calling my name. It sounds like its a distance away, but a voice I'm familiar with. I turn just in the knick time to see Evelyn running my way. I can't help but notice how her baby pink, silk blouse clings to her breasts, with a scoop revealing just the right amount of cleavage. Her back pencil skirt stops mid thigh hugging her curves in all the right places, matched with a black and pink pair of pumps, and her black Michael Kors bag. As I start shaking my head to erase the thoughts, she reaches me and grabs onto my arm. "Evelyn, what the hell are you doing outside my office building?" "I came to let you know I'm attending your ball, and that you should totally be my date or whatever. I've got the sexiest blue dress, I just know how much you love the color blue on me. Your blue suit shirts anyways." I remove her hands from me just as my phone rings, without having to look I answer "Hey sweetie...yeah just finished, heading out now. Yes, you can most definitely stay at my place. I'd love it very much. Ok, I'll see you in about 30 minutes." I look at Evelyn who has this sneaky look on her face, and I kind of start to think why I even dated this woman. "Look Rebekah is on her way to my house I have to go." "Your not gonna tell her about us?" "Evelyn for the last time there is absolutely nothing going on between us. If that's the reason you came back, I'm sorry to tell you but you can go right back to where ever it is you took off to when you decided to leave me. I'm going to go." With that I walk off, leaving an offended Evelyn standing in the parking lot. As I drive home I can't help but feel a little guilty. Nothing happened but its clear what Evelyn's intentions are. As I pull into the drive, I notice Rebekah is already here and waiting. I hop out the car and walk to where she's parked to open her door, she gets bright eyed when she sees me. We hug quickly and kiss slowly, grab our bags and head into my house.

 I ask her if she's hungry, and she shakes her head no, "I had a big lunch today, but thank you." I don't push the issue but she doesn't seem like herself. "is everything alright?" She nods but doesn't speak. After a few moments of complete silence and me just staring at her she starts talking. "It's just been a rough day. We were slam packed today, a couple rude customers, and oh right, your ex fiancé showing up unannounced, saying the things she said. I understand you don't care about her anymore but when she shows up anywhere I can't help but think about how your relationship was. How not too long ago she was the one falling asleep, and waking up next to you. You probably bought her nice things all the time, you made love to her." I notice the frown pulling at each corner of her mouth, and I put my hand under her chin and turn her until she's able to fully look at me. "Rebekah, I understand you feel a little jealous and maybe even threatened a little bit, but I don't know how many more times you want me to assure you that there is nothing going on. I don't even think about her at all. She has her box of things now she can move on just as I have. You have to stop worrying so much about it, I can't deal with this every other day!" As I say the last part I realize I've started shouting a bit, and the look on her face tells me I've hurt her feelings a little. "Look it's been a long day, I just want to shower and call it a night." She nods her head as if agreeing, but doesn't make a move. I give her a quick kiss and tell her I'll be waiting for her.

 I enter my bedroom and head for the bathroom, turn the shower on and change the pressure from default to jet stream. As I head back into the bedroom to get clean boxers and pajama pants, I see the shirt of mines Evelyn always wore. I quickly chuck it into the garbage. I don't want this girl messing my relationship up anymore than she has. After about 5 minutes of waiting, I head back towards the kitchen where Rebekah was still waiting. As I approach I hear her sobbing, and mentally punch myself in the face because I'm 90% sure I'm the reason. I walk over to her and do the only thing I can think of. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the room kissing her lips and all over her cheeks where ever I see tears touch. We shower quickly and I towel dry her, throw one of my t-shirts over her head and we climb into bed. Neither one of us really speaking, I give her a goodnight kiss and she snuggles into me. I lay there for at least an hour after she falls asleep thinking how I never ever want to hurt this woman, physically or emotionally. I hold her tighter and eventually drift off to sleep, I'm falling for this woman hard and I don't want anything jeopardizing the relationship we're building.

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