Chapter 1

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(A/N: Kindly read and mind the tags before proceeding to read this story. There will be an explicit sexual content as well so if the tags and this story makes you uncomfortable or if it's not cup of your tea then feel free to hit the back button right there and refrain from reading any further. But if you don't have any problems with it then proceed reading downwards accordingly. I don't own anything from this franchise, only this idea and fic of mine that hit me like a freight train. Lastly, colored image of Izana goes credit to Yuri Ackerman.)

"You're kissing like a dog that's licking at his master's hands." Izana stated in a matter-of-fact voice as he stared reproachfully at Takemichi.

It made the raven-haired boy's face turned into a deep shade of vermillion because of humiliation.

"Then do pray tell me Izana-kun on how to kiss properly." Takemichi couldn't help but to snark back in response, trying to salvage the shreds of his dignity that Izana easily tore away.

Izana pursed his lips before he leaned closer to the other with a mocking smile on his face and a certain glint into his lavender orbs. "Why Takemichi-kun? Can't your mind keep up with my training? Do I need to tone down the level of difficulty so that you can understand how this works?"

Takemichi clenched his fists to the side, refusing to meet his eye and gave away his wounded pride and emotions. He didn't want to give Izana the satisfaction of tearing him apart with just a few malevolent words and actions. "If you can just be a good teacher then we wouldn't be having this kind of problem." He gritted his teeth.

Izana laughed sharply, taking his chin with his thumb and forced him to face him directly. "I am good teacher. Stop testing my patience Takemichi-kun."

Without any warning, Izana dove back into him and claimed his lips in a ferocious kiss, conquering every sensitive nook and crevices in his mouth with his expert tongue as he glided it with ease at the entrance of it. Takemichi resisted the urge to moan at the sudden sensation that shot through his veins like a burst of electricity. But he could feel the slight tremor of his hands as it unconsciously made its way to the other's lapel of shirt and gripped it tightly.

"Stop being tense Takemichi-kun. Keep your lips soft and pliant against mine so that you'll know the pattern of how it works." Izana mumbled hotly against his lips and licked at the roof of his mouth.

Takemichi tried to focus on Izana's words and not on his actions that sent a dizzying sensation on his mind and body. With still the lingering tingling sensation on his lips, he tried to calm down and relax before he tentatively pushed his lips forward against the other.

Izana noticed his provisionary actions and coaxed him further to let go and open his mouth a bit wider. One of his hands had carded into his raven locks and massaged his scalp which made Takemichi gasped slightly. Izana took advantage of this and slipped his tongue deeper at the sweet interior of his mouth.

Takemichi trembled sweetly against his arms at the onslaught of pleasure bombarding his nerves and body. As if his lips were having a mind of its own, he instinctively followed his movements and reciprocated the other's kiss ardently. His own lips molding sensually against the other as he swept the tip of his tongue experimentally over the lower lip of Izana. He did it in a one swift motion that it only lasted for a second and retreated that made Izana surprised briefly.

'So Takemichi is slowly learning to be a tease huh?' Izana thought wickedly as he quickly gathered his bearings and responded swiftly on the other's actions and chased his tongue lightly, snaking around it that made Takemichi drew his breath sharply at his boldness.

Izana deftly took control of their current situation and snaked one of his hands inside his shirt and caressed his hipbone lecherously before he gripped his hips tightly and pulled him closer against his body. This made the other yelped and gripped his shoulders a bit tighter for leverage and support, removing the remaining gap between the two of them. He could feel that the remaining rational part of his mind had been shutting down slowly and was being clouded by the overwhelming sensation that Izana was making him feel with his mind-numbing kiss.

Takemichi's mind was racing and heart beating erratically inside his chest. Their kiss grew deeper and bolder as each moment that passed them by that Takemichi might burst in any second.

With a superfluous motion, he broke their kiss and pushed Izana away. He breathed raggedly and swallowed thickly, feeling as if he might go deaf now because of how loud his heart thundering inside his chest.

"Not bad." Izana licked his lips as he stared lazily at Takemichi's state who almost looked deliciously debauched with just a mere kiss.

"Damn you to hell Izana." Takemichi ground out as he glared daggers at him.

Izana arched a brow before leaning his face closer to him that made Takemichi backed away in an instant.

"Feeling hopeless yet Takemichi-kun?" He smiled scornfully at him before his amethyst orbs turned glacial and a shade darker on him.

"Because of you Takemichi, my Mikey is dead. Even though Naoto is the one who shot him, we all know the reason behind that and it's because of you. And the asking price for that is I'm willing to take the amount of pain that you've also caused me which will make you beg for me just to kill you Hanagaki Takemichi."

Takemichi's mind went blank and body frozen for a fraction of second.

Izana's words were like a curse that chained him hauntingly in its wake.

(A/N: Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you.)

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