Chapter 4

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Several days passed after their "night incident" together and they weren't talking about it personally.

Nevertheless, something had changed between the two of them.

Izana would make his way into his bedroom randomly at night and made his intentions known by just slipping beside him on the mattress and looked at him in silence. Either tucking the strands of his hair mindlessly behind his ear or caressing his arm or brushing his thighs along with him suggestively.

And Takemichi would get the idea immediately.

They don't speak of it. They continued sleeping together whenever Izana wanted to after his long day doing whatever the hell he was doing with his gang and business.

Only salacious moans, low grunts of ecstasy and wails of pleasure would reverberate against the walls of his room. With Takemichi being thoroughly ravished and getting fucked over several times and in several positions throughout the night that left him exhausted and a delicious ache that would spread throughout his body in the morning.

Takemichi couldn't stop his idiotic heart from hoping...hoping that something would bloom between the two of them...other than being shackled into a cold agreement that wouldn't get higher other than being a quick fuck in the sheets whenever and wherever Izana wanted.

But a small, rational part of his mind would immediately squash on that hope and remind him harshly on the reason why he was here in the first place and berating him on how utterly wrong it was to fall in love with a man who was the sole reason for his miserable future and being unable to time leap again into the past to fix things because he separated him from Naoto.

Takemichi swallowed thickly.

He shouldn't forget what his real mission was. All of this was not a permanent thing to him. This was only a temporary bliss for him and what would happen to him when Izana grew bored of him? Izana was always blunt and forthright with him about his hatred towards him and Naoto for killing Mikey even though it was a mere act of self-defense.

He couldn't put all his walls down in front of him even if Izana's treatment to him slowly changes that made his defenses crumble and heart melted at his silent yet sweet affections towards him during and after they had sex together.

Of how he'd whisper soothing words at him to ease the temporary blinding pain that would shoot his body whenever he would slowly claim his body every night. Of how Izana would always look at him as if he was the most ethereal and captivating person beside him as he devoured every inch of his body that would make his fragile heart sing and would make him cry in silent euphoria.


Of how he'd always take care of him afterward, cleaning and running a bath for him before he leaves his room.

Takemichi was trying really, really, hard on not to catch feelings for him.

But Izana made it difficult when he's treating him like his precious lover which made his mind and heart swirled around in havoc and sweet confusion.

Maybe Takemichi just preferred if Izana was still outright hostile and always mocking him since he can keep up on his own hatred and anger towards the silver haired man. But it's a different story when he's being like this: gentle and considerate.

He didn't know how to handle the current Izana that was right in front of him.

The cold stream of water from the showerhead ran through their bodies but it doesn't even diminish the blazing fire and scorching tension between the two of them as Izana fucked him against the walls of the bathroom.

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