Chapter 3

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(A/N: This chapter was challenging to write as this was full of intense emotions and hatred from both parties. I hope that I didn't made them OOC especially Izana as I found him to be one of the most complex and compelling characters in TR and he was really intriguing to write. I hope you enjoy this chapter as I much as I do despite the challenges that I faced when I write it along the way).

Glittering chandeliers and the swarm of lively crowd who're dressed in nines greeted Takemichi's line of sight upon entering the inside the ballroom of the hotel. Takemichi tried not to grip too hard on Izana's arms as they walked casually together inside. He swallowed back the nerves and anxiety that threatened to engulf his being. No matter how many time leaps he had done in the past and future, he still can't fight back the feeling of self-consciousness whenever he was in a lavish and luxurious place like this.

It seemed that this was Izana's territory as he seemed casual, comfortable and blended easily with the crowd. Takemichi can't help the awe that he felt towards him despite the loathing that festered within him. Regardless if Izana was a bastard and an asshole to those people he deemed as useless and lower than him he would begrudgingly admit that he knew well on how to adjust and made himself known towards the string of society that made up of important people and connections in the long run.

Izana was really living up to his name of wanting to be a king in most facets of his life.

They were then greeted by some people who Takemichi presumed were businessmen and Izana's business partners as well. He knew nothing from them and what they're talking about so Takemichi just kept quiet and just threw a polite smile and nod at their direction when they acknowledge his presence. He didn't want to open his mouth and humiliate himself further by his lack of knowledge on the basic topics of their businesses which made his mind swirl in confusion and boredom at the same time.

It seemed like he was just there as a trophy malewife. Literally. It made his blood boil on how Izana would parade him like an ornament or as a display on his furniture just for people to appraise him. But he couldn't really do anything about it as if he displayed a certain temper, he would cause a scene and didn't want the whole thing to backfire on him.

"Oh, Izana why won't you come with me in the showroom about the latest collection of diamonds from Cartier? Maybe one of them will catch your interest and invest in one of them?" Takemichi heard one of the businessmen invited him while holding a red glass of wine in his hand.

"Of course. I'll be leaving Takemichi here for awhile so that he can explore and probably eat something from banquet." Izana turned towards him with a smile.

But Takemichi knew that look.

He didn't want him to come with him on whatever business that he had with these people. He inwardly scoffed. As if he didn't know the illegal businesses that he was involved with anyway. But he was also thankful that Izana didn't make him accompany him since he'll get bored probably from the technical transactions and conversations that they will had.

Takemichi forced a smile on his lips. "Thank you Izana-kun. I'll be over there, getting some fruit punch in the meantime while I wait for you." He gave him the mandatory kiss on his cheek despite the acrid feeling of wanting to punch his face instead.

"My, you're really lucky to score a lovely and sweet partner Izana. Almost everybody here wishes to have someone like him." One of his business partners piped up, leering at Takemichi as he drank from his glass.

Despite the fake smile that was plastered on his face, it made Takemichi disgusted and wanted to clock him on the jaw that instant. But before he could probably do a reckless and stupid thing in the heat of the moment, Izana had stared directly into the man's eyes that made him paused and blinked a few times.

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