Chapter 5

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(A/N: Welcome to the last chapter of this drama and angsty fic. Thanks for supporting me and joining my journey in completing this fic altogether. I hope you enjoy the last chapter as much as I did).

Ever since their heated confrontation during dinner the other night, they weren't talking with one another.

Izana blatantly ignore him and Takemichi avoided him like a plague.

Kakucho had enough of this growing tension in the room. He much preferred it if they're throwing barbed insults to one another rather than this suffocating silence and completely ignoring the big elephant in the room.

"Okay. What is going on the between the two of you Takemichi?" He asked directly as he went inside his room and placed the tray of food in the bedside table since he 'apparently missed lunch' today which was an indirect way of saying that he didn't wanna deal with seeing Izana today.

"What do you mean?" Takemichi asked casually as he picked up the sliced of bread from the plate and ate it.

"Don't start on me like that." Kakucho warned mildly. "What's up between you and Izana? It's like I'm talking with a ghost whenever you two are around each in the same place."

"Shouldn't you be happy Kaku-chan? I mean it's better rather than seeing us each other going at each other's throat in the past." He shrugged.

Kakucho sighed.

"Well damn. It seemed like I'm dealing with two little stubborn, brats. But suit yourselves. If you think that this is for the best, then so be it. But we both know that one day this gigantic tension will blow up to both of your faces and I don't wanna deal with it." He threw up his hands in defeat before he left his room.

Takemichi smiled bitterly.

Maybe this was for the best.


This was for the best.

He found no reason to communicate with Izana any longer when he finally understood what he was planning.

All of it.

Takemichi swallowed thickly as he remembered hearing him talking to someone accidentally in one of the rooms in the villa when the door was left slightly ajar the other day.

"Yeah. Make sure to tie up the loose ends all right? I don't want the cops getting some ideas about our shipment last night at the Toyosu Pier Koko." Izana stated calmly at the other end of the line but before he ended the call he stilled and gripped the phone tightly.

"What do you mean? We can't have Naoto dying. We still have some used for him and Takemichi. Tell them to take better care of him or I'll be the one who'll drive down there to oversee things myself which is not going to be pretty as you know how I operate Koko." Izana's stated in a glacial voice.

Takemichi put both of his hands over his mouth, trembling before he fled away.

He can't stay here for any longer and had to find Naoto to go back into the past.

Takemichi knew it was risky, but he had to do it. Naoto was in danger. And he needed to do something.

He needed to save him.

He watched the guards patrolling around the area before he steeled himself. It was already midnight. Now, if he could push past the shrubbery in the backyard without revealing himself in the hood that he was wearing—

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