{4.4} 𝙼𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚜 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 1

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A man, possessed by a demon, sits tied to a chair in the center of a Devil's Trap and Sam is in front of him, interrogating while Ruby stands nearby.

"Where's Lilith?" Sam Asks

"Kiss my ass." Demon Says As His eyes goes black And Sam smiles at that comment.

"I'd watch myself if I were you." Sam Says

"Why? Huh? Because you're Sam Winchester, Mr. Big Hero? And yet here you are, slutting around with some demon. Real hero." Demon Says

"Shut your mouth." Sam Says

"Tell me about those months without your brother. About all the things you and this demon bitch do in the dark,Ruby looks over at Sam, Huh? Tell me, hero." Demon Says

Sam can't control his anger and begins to force the demon out of the man, The demon smoke burns through the floor, and Sam breathes, trying to get himself under control. Ruby looks down on the floor where the demon burned through and a little smile plays on her lips. She looks over at Sam and they exchange a look and Sam gets a little smile as well. But Through The Window behind Sam Dean and Elena just witnessed everything Sam just did.


The man is unconcious and Sam touches neck to check if he has a pulse, which he does. He smiles up at Ruby.

"How'd it feel?" Ruby Asks

"Good. No more headaches." Sam Says Then He begins to untie the man.

"None? That's good." Ruby Says As The man begins to wake up.

"Hey, hey. I got you. It's all right." Sam Says As He helps the man out of his chair and begins walking him towards the door, when Dean opens it, Sam stops in his tracks but Elena and Dean looks very angry.

"Hey There Sam" Elena Says

"So... Anything you wanna tell Us, Sam?" Dean Asks
As Sam looks at them and Ruby stands behind him, just watching Dean and Elena, They walks towards Sam

"Dean, hold on, okay? Just let me-" Sam Says

"You gonna say, "let me explain"? You're gonna explain this? How about this? Why don't you start with who she is, and what the hell is she doing here?" Dean Says As he looks at him hard, Sam turns back and He and Elena looks at Ruby who looks completely calm, and even smiles as she responds to Dean.

"It's good to see you again, Dean" Ruby Says

"Ruby?" Dean Says As She smiles a little

"Is that Ruby?" Dean Asks As Sam Nods

"You've Got To be kidding me" Elena Says

Sam doesn't respond and Dean looks over at Ruby again, who's smile is fading. After moment, Dean grabs hold of her and shoves her up against the wall. He pulls out her knife and as he's about to strike, Sam grabs his hand.

"Don't!" Sam Says

"Sam What The Hell Are you doing!" Elena Says As They struggle for the knife. Sam gets it out of Dean's hand into his own, just as Dean throws him up against the wall. Ruby grabs Dean and pins him up against the wall he had her against seconds earlier.

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