{4.4} 𝙼𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚜 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 3

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Jack is standing the garden with the hose in his hand, watering plants. Suddenly Sam, Elena and Dean emerge through the backdoor to the garden behind Jack. As they walk over to him, Jack seems completely spaced out, just holding the hose, and staring into nothing.

"Jack Montgomery?" Sam Asks

Jack doesn't turn right away, take a moment, and then he just looks around, over at them.

"I'm Sam Winchester. This is my brother Dean and our friend Elena" Sam Says

Jack turns around and looks at them as they walk up to him.

"We need to talk." Sam Says As Jack looks at him and then at Dean and Elena then he looks back at Sam.

"About?" Jack Says

"About you. About how you're changing." Sam Says

"Excuse me?" Jack Says

"You're probably feeling your bones move under your skin. And your appetite's reaching, you know, "hungry hungry hippo" levels. How am I doing so far?" Dean Says

"Who the hell are you guys?" Jack Asks

"We're people who know a little something about something." Elena says

"We're people who can help. Please, just hear us out." Sam Says

Later On

"A-a what?" Jack Says

"A rougarou. Sounds made-up, I know, but believe me, it's not." Dean Says

"Alright, I've noticed certain things. I mean, some strange things. But I just, I-I don't know. I'm.. I'm sick or something." Jack Says

"Your father was one of these things, Your real father. He passed it on to you." Sam Says

"No. Are-are you guys listening to yourselves? You s-sound like you're-" Jack Says

"Skip the whole "you guys sound crazy", shall we? You're hungry, Jack. You're only gonna get hungrier." Dean Says

"Hungrier for?" Jack Asks

"Long pig. You know, a little manburger helper, may have crossed your mind already." Dean Says

"No." Jack Says

"It doesn't have to be like this, Jack. You can fight it off." Elena Says

"No." Jack Says

"Others have." Elena Says

"We're not gonna lie to you, though. It's not gonna be easy. You're gonna feel like an alcoholic swimming around in whiskey. But I'm telling you. You gotta say no... or-" Dean Says

"Or what?" Jack Says

"You feed once, and it's all over. And then we'll have to stop you." Sam Says

"Stop me? My dad, did uh, somebody stop him?" Jack Asks

"Yes." Sam Says

"Get off my property right now. I see you guys again, I'm calling the cops." Jack Says

"Jack, your wife, everybody you know, they're in danger." Sam Says

"Now!" Jack Says

"Good talk." Dean Says As Jack watches them leave.

Later On Jack is sitting on a bench, listening to a message from Michelle on his cellphone.

"Jack, I don't know where you are but you're scaring me. Come home. We need to talk. Please?" Michelle Asks

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