{4.8} 𝚆𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 2

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There is a blonde woman wearing only a towel and we see some wet footprints. Sam grabs the shoulder of the Invisible Guy and he appears, completely naked.

"Aah!" Women Says

"What?" Invisible Guy Says

"Don't worry, ma'am. I'm with the health department." Sam Says

The woman leaves in disgust

"So, you can turn it on and off, huh?" Sam Asks

"How... how did you know that I was..." Invisible Guy Says

"You actually walked up to a wishing well, dropped a dime, and wished to be invisible so you could spy on women in the shower?" Sam Says

"N-No. No. N-No, no, no. That's crazy." Invisible Guy Says

"Put on some pants. And stay visible." Sam Says

"O-- Okay." Invisible Guy Says


Todd is chasing the bullies.

"You better run!" Todd Says

Todd stops and turns around to confront Dean and Elena.

"You got a problem, mister?" Todd Asks

"What? No." Dean Says Then He puts a hand to his stomach.

"You Okay?" Elena Asks

"Nope." Dean Says


Sam comes into the room and hears Dean being sick in the bathroom.

"Dean? You all right?" Sam Asks

"The wishes turn bad, Sam. The wishes turn very bad." Dean Says

"The sandwich, huh?" Sam Says

"Yup" Elena Says

"The coin was Babylonian. It's cursed. I found some fragments of a legend, he looks unwell again; turns to gag in the bathroom, I'm good. The, uh... the serpent is Tiamat, which is the, uh, Babylonian god of primordial chaos. I guess their, uh, priests were working some serious black magic." Dean Says

"They made the coin?" Sam Asks

"Yeah, to sow the seeds of chaos. Whoever tosses a coin in the wishing well, makes a wish, it turns on the well. Then it starts granting wishes to all comers." Dean Says

"But the wishes get twisted. You ask for a talking teddy..." Sam Says

"You get a bipolar nut job." Dean Says

"And you get E. coli." Sam Says

"Mm. This thing has turned more than one town upside down over the centuries. It's even wiped a few off the map. I mean, one person gets their wish, it's trouble, but everybody gets their wish..." Elena Says

"It's chaos." Sam Says

"Mm-hmm." Elena Says

"Any way to stop it?" Sam Asks

"Yeah. One way. We got to find the first wisher. Whoever dropped the coin in and made the first wish, they're the only ones who can pull it back out and reverse the wishes. So for now, we've got a couple of nutso dreams come true, but once the word gets out about the well, things are just gonna get crazier and crazier." Dean Says


A blackboard reads "Life is meaningless. Signed T. Bear." Teddy is crying. He puts a shotgun in his mouth and pulls the trigger. Some of the stuffing blows away through a hole in his head but Teddy is still alive.

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