{4.13} 𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 3

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Sam, Dean and Elena are sitting on the Imapla, enjoying a beverage and talking.

"Trust me. This will help. That ghost is dead. I'm gonna rip its lungs out!" Dean Says

"Calm Down Tiger" Elena Says

"Well, you know what I mean." Dean Says

"It knew my name, Dean. My real name. We burned Barry's bones. What the hell?" Sam Says

"Well, maybe it wasn't Barry. Maybe we missed something. We just got to go back,he is reviewing a file while talking. No way How did we not see this before?" Dean Says

"What?" Elena Says

"Check it out -- Look, Martha Dumptruck, Revenge of the Nerds, and Hello Kitty -- they rode the same bus." Dean Says

"Okay, so maybe the bus is haunted." Sam Says

"Well, that would explain why there's no EMF at the school, but not the attacks. I mean, ghosts are tied to the places that they haunt. They can't just bail." Elena Says

"Unless this one can. Guys, there's lore about spirits possessing people and riding them for miles, then whenever they leave the body, they're bungeed back to their usual haunt. But until then, the ghosts can go wherever they want." Sam Says

"So a spook just grabs a kid on the bus and walks right into Truman?" Dean Says

"It's possible." Sam Says

"Ghosts getting creative -- well, that's super." Dean Says


Sam is in the back of the bus with an EMF meter. Dean is up front, searching for some clue of the ghost.

"Definitely ain't clean.' Sam Says

"Here, ghosty, ghosty, ghosty! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Dean Says

"Really" Elena Says

"What?" Dean Says

"Dean it's not a dog" Elena Says

"Man, I don't get it. No one ever died on this bus, and it's not like there's a body hidden in here." Sam Says

"Yeah, but a flap of skin, a hair, I mean, hell, a hangnail -- something's got to be tying the ghost to this place. We just got to find it." Dean Says

"Yeah." Sam Says

Elena looks through papers at the front of the bus

"Got a new driving permit. Issued two weeks ago." Elena Says

"Just before the first attack." Sam Says

"Yeah. Name of the bus driver is Dirk McGregor Sr., 39 North Central Avenue." Elena Says

"McGregor?" Sam Says

"Yeah, Why?" Elena Says

"I knew his son." Sam Says

"Did you know everybody at this school?" Dean Says



School is letting out and Dirk pushes Barry down.

"Got to watch where you're going, man." Dirk Says

"Leave him alone, Dirk." Sam Says

"You never learn, do you, midget?" Dirk Says

"Get to the bus, Barry." Sam Says

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