0 || Prologue

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Morning had come once again and you can hear the familiar songs of the blueberry birds outside. You prepare yourself your favorite drink, as you glance towards the door. You sit on your walnut chair and stretch your legs and arms. You had just finished your board exams a few days ago and the examiner had said the decision and results would come days later. Ever since then, you have been waiting in anticipation. It was embarrassing to admit that you have dreamed and yearned to work under or even work with the famous Almond Cookie Detective. However you always had looked down on yourself, that you might never be smart enough in this field to be assigned to the Magical Emergency Handling Department. As you finally sat down to enjoy your morning drink, a voice had destroyed your peace.

"Mail!" You hear someone shout followed by the signature squeak of the envelope falling through the mail slot.

Before you realize it, you were up on your feet. You run to the mail, and snatched it from the floor. You feel the envelop and its smooth surface. It smelled sweet. The back of the envelop had writing on it and your college's stamp.

It said, ' To (f/n) (l/n)'

Carefully, you open the envelop, pulling the flap open. You find two neatly folded papers. That's odd, you think to yourself. You swallow in anxiety. You take a deep breath and take both of the papers out. You unfold both pieces of papers, the first one revealing your grade. Your eyes skim over and a rush of euphoria and relief has washed over you.

"Yes!" You shout, as you threw your hands up in the air. You passed your board exams, the first try! All those late nights studying and memorization had payed off. You look back at the papers. "If this is my grade result then.. what is this?" Your hand moved your board exam results behind the second paper. Your eyes rest on the bold center heading of the paper below margin.

Your jaw hung open, as your eyes take in the words, clear as day." The Magical Emergency Handling?!" You place a hand over your mouth, in shock. Your eyes are wide. You go to sit down on your couch, and breath. Your hands still shaking ever so slightly, and your heart beating out of your chest, you begin to read the letter out loud, out of habit.

"Dear (y/n) (l/n) "

May this letter find you in good health. As you know, our magic city is growing dangerous day by day, with the growing number of wizards. As the dangers rise, so too the need of protection and law enforcers rise. You have been officially chosen to train and join our Department, due to your remarkable interest in magical safety during your studies and your interesting take on safety protocols. Needless to say, you have caught our attention, in a good way. We look forward to working with you. Please come tomorrow at 7:00 am sharp to check in. Have a good day. "

Below the letter were a few signatures, and one of them you recognize. Detective Almond Cookie's signature on top of his own name. Your heart skips a beat as red gushes up your cheeks.

You read the letter, over and over. You silent scream, jump up and down. Then you read it again. You simply can't believe it. Chosen to be a trainee and member of the M.E.H, themselves?! You were worried out of your mind on how to even apply! Then you pause. You glance at the letter. Self- consciousness and nervousness started to settle in your chest, heavy and bothersome. You stand up, abrupt. You have to tell this to your best friend, you thought. You glance at the time. They should be having their break soon.

You set the letter down on your coffee table and finish the rest of your favorite drink. That was your entire breakfast that you were used to ever since you left your parents and became independent.


The café was slightly crowded as it was almost afternoon. Your (f/c)* sunglasses stuck to your face as you entered, glancing around. You see your best friend Pumpkin Spice, or Kin, as you call them, wiping off the counter.

"Hey," you managed, pulling down your sunglasses. "Pst, Its me-"

"I know its you, I can tell from the drab" they jest, followed by a chuckle, "You seem to be in a good mood," They look at you with the same look they always give you when you were being suspicious, and puck up the letter. You look at their expression, slowly turning from curiosity to disbelief then finally gleeful laughter. "Dude! Holy cakes! We need to celebrate!" They exclaim, "you're finally gonna see that crush of yours!"

"Shhhh" You lift your hands up and snatch the letter from their hands in embarrassment. "Dude, keep it quiet oh my god!"

Pumpkin chuckles, "Save the details Bestie, I'm working. Tell me later. Come back here at closing, let's celebrate." Pumpkin winks, and wiggle their eyebrows.

"Fine, fine-" You managed as you fix your sunglasses. "Good luck at work,"

You see Pumpkin scrunch their noise. Pumpkin leans in and lowers their voice, "Ugh, I'll be fine if that Devil Cookie doesn't come by for the seventh time in a gosh dang row-"

"The hell does he want anyway?" You asked, curious.

"Soda... extra carbonated."

"Ugh..." You pat their shoulder, "I believe in you," You chuckle, and wave. You turn and leave, the early afternoon sun greeting you once more as you make your way down the sidewalk. As you walk, to look at your watch. You had enough time to go for a leisurely walk. You pass by the bell gate, your walking speed slowing down. You gaze out onto the flowery grass. Tomorrow is going to be stressful, you think to yourself, but we can still have fun.

Just as you lift your gaze back to your surroundings, you notice someone in the distance. They were looking directly at you. You couldn't make out exactly who they were, but you could see the bright red eyes. They stood right at the far side of the street. You paused in your walk, to intently look back at them.

A bus had passed though, and just like that, they were gone.

...Probably into the sea of the crowd.

Chasing  Sugarplums  [ Almond Cookie x Reader ] Human AUWhere stories live. Discover now