7 || Bathed in Flame

479 26 23

You stand infront of a burning building that used to be a museum. Sirens of the fire trucks blare just behind you. Almond stands next to you, as you both watch firefighters pulling out survivors from the fire, waiting for the clear for interview.

Your eyebrows are furrowed, shoulders tense and your lips in a grim slash of worry. Almond looks at you, concern written on his face. This was the third fire of the week, and it was always on the same time; a few minutes after lunch.

The reflection of the fire dances in your eyes as you feel that familiarity once again. The sky is darkened in the sick dark smoke. Your hands, hidden in your jacket pockets, sweaty and balled into fists.

"This building also had poor fire safety." Almond says, startling you a bit. You look up to him, his hand on his chin.

"If this is done by the same suspect the witnesses and I saw..." you trail off, "I don't want to get ahead of myself, but we may be dealing with a classic pyromaniac that didn't grow out of it..."

Almond's blue eyes shift to you. He sees a bead of sweat roll down the side of your forehead.

"Three fires in a week, the first two have witnesses claiming to see the same suspect from the Parfaeda Institute, and you too as you told me two days ago before..." Almond takes a pause, 9This can not be a coincidence. This is organized crime."

"... both places also have a history of incompetency in people in charge. Somehow that says alot..." you pause, "Sir, you said that the Institute's council is insufferable and incompetent. Followed by the second fire of Astronomical Feats Observatory, with their incompetence in the astrological field of research.." you start, "Then.. this... The Museum of the Arcane and Ancient."

"A history of dirty excavations, rumors anyway.. but believable no doubt," Almond nods, catching your drift. "You think this guy has a grudge?"

You shift your weight in thought, "Either way, they seem to enjoy bullying the people in power.. I fear the M.E.H might be next..." you carelessly said. Your eyes widen, in shock on what you said. You look at Almond.

You see a short moment of panic in his face, "Shit... you might be right..."


You see him fish for his phone and dial someone. He walks away , muttering a 'Please pick up, please pick up!"

You watch him intently. He was pacing back and forth, trying to figure out who he was calling. The person might have picked up because you see his mouth move. You could make up a few words from mouth reading.

Then he stops, eyes meeting yours. There was a chill. You see him falter. The stress lines more obvious than ever.

Without a hesitation, you walk towards him, "sir?"

Almond sits on the curb. He had this defeated type of look, as if his whole world was crumbling down. You have never seen anyone look like that before, and the fact that you see it happen to Almond first, it broke your heart into pieces.

"You're right..." he looks up at you. His lips quiver. "The HQ is gone."

" What?!"

"Another group of responders fro mthe fire brigade has been sent, but when they arrived its.." almond trails off.

At this point, you sit beside him, with the same defeated look on your face.

There was this silence before an officer is seen running towards you both. It was the same officer from the hostage case. "Detective!" He cried out as he ran. Almond's eyes lift up.

"Detective, the entire M.E.H is-" he stopped, heaving for air, hands on his knees.

"I know." Almond managed.

The officer looks up, stunned, "Sir, how-"

"Any survivors?"

"Only those who were lucky enough to be somewhere else... the gas tanks and heater from below erupted, not only causing the entire building to collapse on its foundation... but also-."

"Spread that stupid magic fire everywhere...." you cut him off. Earning a worried glance from Almond, and a surprised one from the officer.

Almond rubs his face. Not only in frustration, but in grief and evident anger. It was best, to perhaps let him be for now. Quiet calm rage was dangerous.

You hear Almond Curse under his breath. Then he looks up. You and the officer look, concerned.

"...short on staff now..." he managed, then looks at you. "Congratulations, rookie, you're a detective now. We'll be working together as equals now and catch this bastard."

Shock fills your face as you stand up, "Wait, sir, are you certain that I am ready-?"

The officer shared your expression but for a different reason, "I agree sir, I've been working far more longer here than them. I-"

"You, go to the relations office, issue a badge for them," Almond stands, addressing the officer. He offers a hand to you for a shake. "Welcome to the team."

The officer looks at you with a mixed expression. Bitterness, disbelief, it didn't struck you though, as you yourself was thinking. Was Almond...desperate? Did he really believe in your skills? Will he regret this later?

All sorts of thoughts ran through your head until Almond called out to you once more.

"Detective (Y/n)?" Your eyes meet his as the burning rage carries on behind both of you. Your hand lifts up, and touches his. He shakes your hand firmly. "I look forward to be finally working with you." He says.

It was so surreal, like a dream that almost could pass as a nightmare but isn't scary enough to be one.

This single moment would be the happiest turning point in your life, if not for the circumstances.

The officer finally leaves for that badge issue. "Likewise," you mutter.

You and Detective were now somewhat equals. He is the Head of the department, after all, building or not.

There was this new look in his eyes, though. A scary but captivating determination unlike any other. It made your heart fonder for him, but also made you worried.

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