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I'm writing this while I listen to music (I'm practically screaming the words and I'm not concentrating) so if there's any errors I apologize in advance :D


Finally after a time-consuming 6 hours, Dean made his way outside of the graduation ceremony building and met up with his family outside. He was still thinking of the moment he shared with the boy- Castifell? Castle? Dean couldn't remember. All he remembered was deep rich blue eyes that he got lost in. Damn, he was bi for sure now. But wow, that kiss had took his breath away. He mentally noted to try to see him again someday.

Dean also thought of how weird it was that he was, hopefully, going to college soon and the responsibility he would have to take on without his parents going with him. Hell, Sam was more responsible that Dean with everything. Sam was definitely the smarter of the two brothers. Sam was the brains and Dean was the ladies and man's man. But all of that would only to be needed if he were to go to an out-of-state college. If he stayed in-state then his family would be only a few hours away, and if things went wrong then he could go back to his parents. But Dean wanted to be free. Although he loved his family, he wanted to venture off into the real world and learn to be an adult. He couldn't be free when his mother would be there telling him to look both ways before he crossed the street.

But Sam. Leaving him would be hard. He loved Sam with all of his heart and leaving for a minimum of 4 years would be hard. It was like leaving a plant to sit in the sun for 4 years; one day it was just a seed and now 4 years later it would be a full bloomed flower. Even though Sam was 14, he was still his baby brother. He would be 18 anad hopefully heading off to college too. Sammy would live though. They could Skype and text. It wasn't like he was leaving forever.

So, Dean started thinking of the Pros and Cons of leaving Lawrence. Pros- better schools, get to be free, meet new people, gaining responsibility and maturity. Cons- leave Sam and the blue eyed boy, have to start from the bottom, pricey, and little support. But Dean made up his mind. He was pretty sure once acceptance letters came back from the colleges he applied to, he would leave Lawrence.

Dean had applied to any college that had a good Electrical and electronics engineering program. That meant designing, developing, testing and supervising the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment like communications systems, electric motors, machinery controls, automobiles, aircraft, ect. That sounded pretty cool to Dean. Building and designing parts for cars and other cool stuff was right down Dean's alley.

But still, Dean was anxious and scared. Growing up was scary because when you grow up you get bags, wrinkles, and grey hair which were not the qualities women, and some men, were into nowadays. Growing up and moving away from support was even harder though. But Dean was ready to face those obstacles and leave Lawrence, Kansas behind.


Once Castiel got home he ran towards the mailbox he owned. He took a couple long strides and made it to the small green painted box and opened it, to reveal a lot of envelopes stuffed inside. Castiel brought them inside and sat down at the kitchen counter and began to open them. He separated them into Castiel's and his father's mail. Once he was done, it looked to be a 7:1 ratio of his father's mail to Castiel's mail. His fathers consisting of bills and coupons whereas Castiels was all college associated items. But even though the number of envelopes in from of him was small, he was joyful that there were envelopes labeled, To: Castiel Novak; Lawrence, Kansas.

He carefully opened the first envelope which was labeled 'Washington University', which was a school he applied for that was in St. Louis, and began to read the print. He found the word he was looking for in red font that said ACCEPETED. Castiel breathed a sigh of relief. If no other school took him he would at least have a decent school to go to, that was far from Kansas. He moved onto the next envelope which was this time labeled 'University of Iowa' and opened it. NOT ACCEPTED it said and Castiel was highly disappointed. He continued on to the University of Michigan which he was accepted into, then Johns Hopkins University which was in Maryland which he was accepted into, then finally the school that Castiel wanted the most: NYU. First of all, NYU was almost half of the country away from Kansas, and two, had one of the best literature programs Castiel had read about. He skimmed the paper to find NOT ACCEPTED and underneath it ACCEPTED. He was confused. Was he or was he not accepted? He was sure that he was accepted but there was doubt in his mind.

Immediately he grabbed his phone and searched for a number to NYU. As the phone ringed he waited in anticipation for the person on the other end to pick up. On the 5th ring someone answered.

"Hello, I'm Stacy how may I help you?" a female with a high pitched voice answered politely.

"Um, uh, Hi. I got a letter in the mail and I seem to be confused as to what my terms with NYU are. I cannot seem to figure out if I've been accepted or not," Castiel said rambling on.

"Sure sweetie, I can check the records. What's the name?"

"Castiel Novak," he say slowly

"Okay Mr. Novak," She said and he heard typing. "Here we are. Castiel Novak it seems that you've been accepted in New York University-"

And with that Castiel dropped the phone and squealed into his hand like a girl who learned that the guy of her dreams is going to out with her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Castiel said and hung up on Stacy. He was overjoyed. He was going to escape. He was going to escape his life here in Kansas.


So I didn't feel like writing out Dean opening his letters tonight so next chapter will briefly talk about that. Also I plan to have scenes where they say good bye to their families and leave (or Not ;) ) for college. Um I'm listening to 1985 by Bowling for Soup and I'm happy and tired.

Song for today will be Do It Now, Remember It Later by Sleeping with Sirens. *turns into annoying fangirl* KELLING QUINN HES SO CUTE AND-

No just no.

Well goodnight everyone.

Keep Running,


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