Chapter 46

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As soon as we were out of the hospital and in the car to go back to Niall's childhood home, I felt like I could breathe again. The tension that once was lingering in this car, only a few hours ago, is starting to diminish.

Key word, starting.

It's still a bit awkward and Harry and I are nowhere close to where we were at before everything blew up, but I don't feel like I'm breathing in a dozen razor blades while sitting next to him anymore.

It just feels like two grey clouds are hovering over our heads. It's the kind of clouds that you see in the sky and can't quite tell if it will start raining or not, but the wind blowing creates an oddly content atmosphere.

That was oddly poetic, but there you go. That's how it feels.

"My parents are excited to see you." Niall breaks the silence, leaning up, so his head pops in between the two front seats. "And you." he turns his head towards Harry in the driver's seat.

"I'm excited to see them too." I nod, plastering a small smile on my face.

The drive is relatively short, only about twenty minutes, and then we're pulling into the driveway of Niall's two-story, white suburban home. It's the type of cookie cutter home in a cookie cutter neighborhood. Full of Rae Dunn ceramic pieces and an all year round tree, decorated for every holiday. That kind of neighborhood.

By the time we pulled up the driveway, Evelyn was already waiting outside, wrapped in her pink cotton robe and matching slippers. She's probably just waking up to start her day, but none of us have yet to sleep.

"Hi, baby. You okay?" she comes up to me as soon as I'm out of the car and wraps her arms around me. It's a tender hug, a motherly hug. I let myself melt into her touch, resting my head on her shoulder and squeezing her right back.

"I will be." I whisper, so she's the only one that can hear me. I feel her grip tighten a bit and her arms rub soothing patterns on my back in such a maternal way.

"The bed in your room is made, I even dug out that ugly quilt that you love when you're here. There is breakfast being made, but I can make you something when you wake up instead if you'd like?" she pulls away from me softly, and keeps a hold on my biceps.

"I'm actually going to take a shower first if that's okay." I tell her and she nods saying "Of course. Of course that's okay." before giving me one last hug and walking around the car to see Niall.

Him and Harry are at the trunk of the car, grabbing all of our bags before walking towards me. Harry has both of our bags in his hands, so he just offers Evelyn a simple 'Hi' with a nod of his head. I know he's exhausted and probably just wants to sleep.

Hopefully he's okay with sleeping in the same room as me. I guess he and Niall could share a room if he wanted.

When Harry locks eyes with me, I reach out to grab my bag out of his hand, but he shakes his head, and tells me to just lead the way.

So, I do. We walk into Niall's home and the smell of savory bacon and coffee fill my nose, but I ignore it completely and walk up the set of stairs in front of the front door.

We walk down the small hallway upstairs, each wall full of old family photos.

"Is this you?" Harry stops his steps, inspecting some of the pictures on the wall.

I follow his line of vision and the picture that he's staring at is one of Niall and I on our first day of senior year. I had braces and didn't quite know what to do with my hair, which was a lot longer than it is now. My awkward phase lasted well throughout high school.

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