What are you thinking of? My guess is a pink elephant.
I’ve got a secret for you. One that I couldn’t share for the longest time...
I used to be very unhappy.
Every time someone would ask me how I was doing, my standard reply would be, “I’m stressed.”
But not anymore.
Today, at any time, no matter what I’m going through, if you ask me how I am, my immediate response will be, “I’m awesome. I’m great. Life is wonderful.”
Why the sudden change?
I used to be so caught up in what wasn’t going right. I focused on the negative. And the more I confessed it, the more I said it out loud and heard myself say it, the more I focused on it.
Because your mind focuses on what you say to yourself.
Just like the pink elephant.
And what you focus on grows.
Ever since I learned to confess my blessings in the morning, my days have turned around.
Some things I say to myself over and over every day:
Thank You, God, for this morning.
What a beautiful day.
I have a great family.
I have awesome friends.
Thank You, Lord, for food on the table.
I love my work.
I’m creative.
I am valuable to my company.
I have great experiences.
I have lots to share.
I’m being used for God’s good work.
I love blessing people.
I love to learn.
I love God.
God loves me.
I’m His child.
Life is absolutely wonderful.
And because I’ve gotten into this habit, even if I’m overloaded with work and have a gazillion things to do, I’m still able to say, “I’m awesome! Life is great!”
In the end, I realized that stress is a decision. I can be overwhelmed and overworked, but it’s up to me to choose to be stressed or not.
The mind can only focus on so much. As I fill my thoughts with good things, I focus less and less on the negative. It doesn’t mean I blind myself to the work that has to be done. Neither do I pretend that nothing is going wrong. But since I’m so caught up in the great things around me, I’m more fired up and positive, so when I have to deal with the not-so-great stuff, I don’t have to be stressed out.
Try it out.
Tomorrow, when you wake up, enumerate five blessings out loud. Let yourself hear it. Say them over and over again a couple of times.
The next day, add a few more. Then let the list run on without even thinking of a limit.
Do this every morning.
And smile throughout your day.
Love Life by George Tolentino Gabriel [SAMPLE]
Non-Fiction[This sampler contains five of George's favorite chapters from the book. To find out where you can get the full version, view the last part of this Wattpad post, or click on 'External Link'.] When author George Gabriel was younger, he had several fa...