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There are high notes, and there are low notes.

We often wish we would just have the high notes — the thrills, the successes, the victories, the happy times, the parties, summer breaks, class nights, fairs, etc.

We avoid the low notes — final exams, early morning flag ceremony, science projects, losses at UAAP basketball games, bad grades, fights with our family and friends, getting busted by the girl you’re courting, rejection, failure.

The thing is, without both, the melody is never complete. Without both, there would be no harmony. No color. No thrill.

For that reason, I believe God designed it such that it’s never just high notes or just low notes. He allows us to experience the highs so that we can appreciate the lows. Oftentimes, it’s the low notes that support and give meaning to the highs.

Then, there are fast parts and slow parts.

It’s never just one tempo. The time signature shifts, like a complex composition.

Again, we need both tempos to appreciate the entire song. If it were just one pace, then it would be boring. Monotonous. Corny.

I am a frustrated songwriter. There’s this song I’ve been trying to complete for the past 10 years. Yup, you read that right. Ten years.

Sometimes our lives are like that, too. We’re not sure where the melody or the structure of the song is going — like an unfinished sonnet.

But rest assured, no matter what the case may be in your life, that the Master Composer is at work to create a great symphony out of your days.

We just need to be patient and trust in His divine rhythm and rhyme, and to always strive to move according to the beat of His heart.

But what’s also important is that we make every note, every beat, and every line count.

                                                                LIFE IS A CHRISTMAS SONG

As I write this, songs are playing on the radio — the kind we hear only once a year. It’s Christmas.

Have you ever attended a birthday party where everyone brings gifts for each other but no one gives anything to the birthday celebrant? That would be pretty weird, wouldn’t it? But I think that often happens on Christmas. We give gifts to one another, but does anyone remember to give a gift to Jesus?

My suggestion? Sing Him a song. The song of your life. The song only you can sing.

It’s the song He put in your heart from day one. It’s the gift you were meant to give.

But don’t just sing it during Christmas. Sing it every day at every moment.

May you always be a sweet, sweet sound in His ear.

Love Life by George Tolentino Gabriel [SAMPLE]Where stories live. Discover now