harry styles, the favorite child of god

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Harry Styles had like 3 million siblings, but he was the favorite of course. He was loved by not only his dad but also God. He was the best and he was cocky. Everyone bowed down to Harry Styles, even papa smurf.

 Of course, this made all of his other siblings hate him. One day they decided to sell him off to Swiss shoe makers in return for 1,000,000,000 great british pounds. They were happy with their money and told their papa that Harry died in a tragic house fire. Papa was sad. He cried for days. Things were never the same.

Harry was sad. He didn't want to be a Swiss shoe maker. He hated the Swiss and all they stood for. He hated their stupid hats and windmills and mountains. Oh well. The Swiss king got mad at him one day for poisoning his wife's escargot. Harry was thrown in jail :(

Harry was sad until the Swiss king needed someone to serene him to sleep. Who better than Harry? He sang the king to sleep. The king was happy and made him the new Princess of Switzerland. Harry predicted the next attack from the evil insurance agent and all was well in  the Swiss Alps.

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