Chapter 3 - Oscar

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Sat alone in his office Oscar Novak watched his plan unfold, it was working well but for one thing, it was taking far too long and Skylar was becoming suspicious. Files piled up on the desk were a reminder him of how much work he still had to do and his patience was running thin.

A man barged in slamming the door shut behind him, he was panting heavily and looked very nervous. He knew who he was dealing with and while he didn't believe all the stories he believed enough to make him regret getting involved.

"Well" Oscar announced barely looking away from the computer screen. The man placed a vial on the desk then quickly backed up to the main door. Oscar turned his attention to the vial and its dark red contents; he lent forward and snatched it up.

"You got your item, now where's my money" the man blurted growing increasingly paranoid, he had no intention of staying any longer than he had too especially as several of the stories re-entered his thoughts.

"You'll get your just deserves" declared Oscar finally looking up at the man. He handled the vial carefully, its contents glimmered against the light almost mesmerising him.

"Why do you want it so bad" the man dared to ask regretting it immediately.

"This will aid my research" Oscar motioned glancing up the nervous man, "and you will get what you deserve." He flicked a switch under his desk and a portion of the wall parted to reveal a room, small and dark. "In there" he gestured towards the room though his eyes never left the vial and its contents.

"You can't be serious" the man exclaimed "I have seen too many horror films to fall for that one." He tried the main door but it was locked shut, letting out an annoyed yell he turned to see the wall slide closer and no sign of Oscar. Realising his mistake he moved to the wall and slid his fingers over it trying to locate the hidden door.

A loud clang echoed in his ears, he froze and searched around. Noticing too late he let out a terrified yell as the floor gave way beneath him and he disappeared into the gloom. The floor slid back without a sound and the wall opened once more. Oscar slowly emerged glancing around the room before retaking his seat; he twirled a pen between his fingers as his eyes fell deeper in thought.

"This time it has to be."

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