Greek Mythology Ch 7 Date and Raid

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3rd Pov

We start off seeing you rise from bed, tired from yesterday's training, in your room you have the skull of the Minotaur hanging over your bed, as a trophy of your great training and defeat of a legendary monster. You get up, popping your back and shoulders, stretching your back, and drinking water. You then head over to your small bathroom and begin brushing your teeth, as you are you stop to look at a small sticky note on the corner of the mirror and read 'Date with Sona Today!' You don't remember putting it there but you might have forgotten you did. Thanks to this you prepare some clothes for tonight, some jeans, a nice pair of shoes, and the newest T-shirt you have(Any color for this shirt, as long as it's not pure black because that's to edgy lol) you then put your school uniform and relies rhat you actually woke up before your time to leave, so you can actually pack lunch! "Finally, now I don't need to buy the cheapest thing at school! I'm gonna make something delicious" you then head to your kitchen and pull out everything you need, your veggies wich consist of a salad, some small pieces of beef, and some saltine crackers, and most importantly, Your last piece of chocolate! "My treat for today!" You then pack it into your white bento and put it inti a bag and put it away in your school bag. You then head out ready for the school day.


Once you get there, you head straight to class, no interruptions, no talk, just you heading to class, but some how you feel strange in some way. Yiu ignore it and settle down at your desk, towards the front of the class (No back seat for you! Ha!) You prepare for the start of class when some how everyone in your class suddenly stops moving, as still as a statue. "What the?" Then boom! You are blown out from the second floor and knto the school yard, no one is there and you are the only one. "I knew I wouldn't be lucky" so you get into a fighting stance to see what comes from the smoke. A group if what looks like Olymian armored warriors, you seen the armor before when traveling through Sparta, apparently they work for the gods personally. "Ah great, time for some action, well this is some good time to test my training" as you get ready to rush, people come from behind you, it's the ORC Club, "(Y/n)! I'm glad someone is alright!", says Issei with some blonde girl behind him, "Issei, stay back we don't know what thay thing is" says Rias, "Issei, who's the new girl?" You ask, "Oh! This is Asis, I'll introduce you guys later, but for now-" he summons his sacred gear, but it looks different now, "We got to beat these fiends!", he then rushes at them, "ISSEI WAIT!" You shout but he gets smacked away, you jump up and catch him, and put him down, "Don't interfere, their after me" you say, "Let us help!" Asia says, "No, I've seen to many comrades die in battle, I don't need people who are close to me in this realm to die", 'This realm?' Rias thinks to herself, you then rum forward dodging the slashes and magic blasts, it seems that they are using water magic, "Poseidon, heh, couldn't wait any longer" you then go in front of one and uppercut them, sending them flying, another trys to stab at you with a spear but you dodge backwards and put your hand into a fist, three more catch it and hold you back before throwing you backwards, "dang, geuss its time to unleash some more strength" you tear open your shirt revealing not to many, but pretty big battle scars, but then your Spartan war pain appears making them disappear and making the damage you had taken disappear. 'Oh my!' All the girls think, even Kiba and Issei, as they look how buff you are, (Only because you are a Spartan, lol) "Alright! Let's finish this!" You run towards them punching one and taking their sword, stabbing it into one more, but as you kill that one, another appears, 'Damn, are they just going to keep on coming?' You keep them at bay but then ine comes frim behind and throws a spear into your right shoulder, "Gah!" You scream, "(Y/n)!" They scream, Issei runs towards you and blasts one away, he then gets in front of you, "(Y/n), you may want to do this by yourself, but we are here to help! So let us help!" He says, you stand there, holding the spear that is still in your shoulder, thinking, "Fine, but you better help me achieve victory", "Don't worry!" Kiba jumps in, "We will!" Koneko also jumps in. "Heh, better to have a small army with people you trust, then a large army with people you don't know, lets go!" You all rush at them, Koneko jumps towards one of them and hits them directly in the forehead of their helmet, bending it straight into their head, clearly killing them. Kiba repeatedly slashes at the stomach area of two of them, Issei's sacred gear yells "BOOST!" as it glows green he punches one away and then blasts ine next to him, as for you, you grab one, twisting it's neck and throwing it at another group, "Damn... How many are there", "A portal", "huh?", "A portal is open", you look up and see Rias, flying above you guys, you notice her,*cough* under clothing, and look away, as for Issei, "heh, hehe- Ow!" Koneko hits him, "They are entering from a foreign portal, similar to the one (Y/n) entered through", "How do yo-", before you can finish, a large Warrior comes through, "Holy sh-", before Issei could finish, it slams it's hammer in the ground making the floor crack beneath, "I'm tired of this", you activate your Spartan's rage and smash your fists into the ground, making the ground crumble before you and stopping it from reaching you, you rush at it and punch it rapidly, it slowly gets on one knee, but then slaps you away, "Damnit! Looks like I got to use it, BLADES OF CHAOS!" you then summon them on your arms, the sound of sudden burning flesh and metal cooling fills the area, "sheesh... that's got to hurt" Issei says, "Those Blades..."Rias says, "Rias!" Akeno then appers, "I found and closed the portal, but looks like we have one more left", she is about to fire at the warrior but Rias hold her arm out in ftont of her, "Hold up, (Y/n) gots this" she says. You use your new training thats you learned and spin the Blades, heating them up, "Woah!" The ORC looks in aw, you then slash them down as soon as they are fully heated up and spin with them, rapidly slashing the warrior, it barely blocks some of the attacks, but then uses it's hammer and hits at you, you use one hand and catch it, "No more games" you then dig your fingers into it as it breaks into rubble. It backs up, and uses water magic to shoot you, but you take it in full blast and walk forward as if it was nothing, it uses one final trick and tries to hit you with its fists, but you catch the attack and push it back and use your blades and stab it deep into it's neck, ending this raid, "Finally" you say and unsummon the blades and your war paint disappears, you grab your shirt and out it back on, "Was that all of them?" Issei asks, "For now" you say and walk off as the magic barrier that made everyone freeze goes away and the Classroom you came out of is back to normal, "Are we going after him?" Kiba asks, but Rias stands there, thinking, 'How did he get those blades? Only people who know the God Hades can get them... unless he was given them... by whom?'

On the top of the roof, Sona is watching with some other student council members, "How did he get involved?", "Sona" Tsubaki says, "I didn't want him to get involved with the Supernatural, but it would have happened sooner or later, but why the Greek Gods?" Sona questions, "Who knows", "Who said that?" They all look behind themselves, and see what looks like a guys wearing a clwon nose and shades, and a trench coat, "Who are you? Why are you here?" Sona asks. "You'll figure out later as this won't be the last time I'm in your presence Sitri", "How do you know my real last name!?" Sona asks suprised, "I don't know, *Chuckle* just call me Z, Ill see you soon!" He then uses his hands and opens a portal the way you open a door and walks in. "Sona, what are we going to do about (Y/n)?", "Wiat you didn't see that man just now?", "See who Sons?" One member asks, 'No way, they didn't see him, who was he, what was he, I better watch out for him' Sona thinks to herself

Time Skip!

You just got done with school and are getting ready at home for your first date, you are super nervous as you can barely get your clothes on without falling, or can barely put your money into your wallet, as your grandfather always said, be a pim-, I mean always pay for the meal and other activities, all you hope is that you guys don't go anywhere to expensive as you would probably be drowned in eternal debt. So as you finish up, you look inti the mirror, "Okay (Y/n), you cando this, It's Sona, a good friend, and soon to be girl- girlfriend, *gulp*, why am I so nervous, well... I better get going", yiu leave your house and go to the park

Once you get there, you see Sona, wearing a pink dress with a white flowers on it, you gulp even more as you casually approach the chi- Sona, and she notices you, "He- hey (Y/n)!" She says nervously, "You, uh, look beautiful!" You say, 'Dang it! Your not supposed to say that till later you idiot!' You think to yourself. "Th- thank you (Y/n), You look good as well!" You both nervously stand there, then you speak up, "So uh, I've never been on a date, but I think we should get something to eat, as *grumble*, I... I haven't eaten all day" your beautiful lunch was destroyed and you left your money at home during that time. "Yeah, that sounds nice" she says, so you walj off towards the shopping district and look for a (hopefully cheap) restaurant. As you guys are looking for a restaurant to eat at, Sona finds one that looks a little to expensive, but if it makes her happy, you can spend most of your money.

As you guys finish up eating, you guys go to the park to just walk around, Sona holds onto your arm, you guys finish walking and find a table to sit at. "(Y/n), have you ever played chess before?" Sona asks, "No, I haven't. Why do you ask?", "Well I wanted to try and play it with you, would you care to try?", "Sure". Si you guys go to the chess tabels, (You know the things some parks might have) and set it up, you play black while Sona plays white, it's a tuff game, but you realize it's like war, so you manage to pull through and "Check mate!" You yell, proud of yourself, you see Sona smiling to herself and your accomplishment. "Why are you smiling?" You ask, "It's nothing, but (Y/n)." Her tone changes to a serious one, "Have you heard of devils before?" You stop smiling and turn into a more serious face, "Sona...", "For I, (Y/n), am a devil, part of the Supernatural world", you stand there, saying nothing, 'So, Sona is one too... I don't feel mad or sad, all I feel is... nothing, heh, guess my life will never be normal again if I get with her, but that doesn't matter', "From your silence, it seems you know about devils and the Supernatural already, (Y/n), if we were to start dating, then just so you know, your life will never be the same. As I am part of Devil royalty, part of the Sitri family that is, so what do you say (Y/n), will you be with me?" There is a moment of silence when you answer "Yes", Sona seems suprised but really happy at the same time, she jumps to you and hugs you, you are happy, happy to have someone close to you, and to love you, as all warriors need love to.
Don't they?

Another chapter done! Over 2000 words, a new record! I know it might not be the best, but hey, as long as we progress themnwe will get to the good stuff, and no, I haven't forgotten the lemon yet, it's just I haven't gotten to a part good enough to put it in. But don't worry you little perverts, it might come,

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Till next time!

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