Greek Mythology Ch 9 God of War

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3rd Pov

We start off by seeing (Y/n) being attacked by Ares, as once he teleported you there, he used magic arrows to try and hit you, you had to dodge them as so many were flying towards you, some of them missed you but a lot of them didn't. You let out a groan in pain as you get back up, "Face it (Y/n), your weak, do you really think you can take me on? Pathetic, I should have let you died at that battel field" you stay there, laughing a bit, as a memory comes to your mind.


You are heading to Pandora's Temple, a long journey some people say, but as you fo through a small town, someone appears in front of you,

It's the Goddess Athena, "Hello (Y/n), I am Athena, Goddess of War, daughter of Zeus, I am here in his favor asking you to defeat Ares", "Why would you want that?", "Because Ares has gone against Zeus and all of Olympus, so we please ask of you to...

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It's the Goddess Athena, "Hello (Y/n), I am Athena, Goddess of War, daughter of Zeus, I am here in his favor asking you to defeat Ares", "Why would you want that?", "Because Ares has gone against Zeus and all of Olympus, so we please ask of you to defeat him, and in return we will help you", you think about it, but then agree, maybe you could erase your memories of war. "Then yes, I accept your offer, it will be useful to have some help", "Here, have my blessing, now you should be able to take on the temple and fight off Ares for a bit, but you need to get the box first, as that is your key", "I know, a witch told me that", "I will also teleport you nearthe dessert, as if I teleport you to close, you might be squashed" you nod, "thank you Athena, I owe you and the Gods" she nods and then disappears, "I have the other Gods on my side... except Poseidon" you shrug this off, probably because... he's a little bitch? I don't know, anyways, you get teleported to the top of a mountain, and when you squint your eyes, you can see a weird looking giant walking around with a mountain on his back. "I guess that's it" you say, and you travel towards it.

Present time!

"Heh...", "Why are you laughing mortal? Trying to not except your fate?", you shake your head, "No... I'm laughing because you made a mistake Ares!" You rush at him, swinging the blades at his legs, dealing a decent amount of damage to them... or so you thought. Because all he does is kick you away and fires more arrows at you, then he claps his hand, "Summon!" And a bunch of skeleton Spartans come out, you fight your way through them, taking lots of damage in the process. 'Damnit, I should of used the box the first time I had the chance!' You thought to yourself, you barely make it through the army, and you see the box in the distance, but are stopped by Ares, who puts his foot in front of you. "You will not use that box, for I intend to use it and take the throne to Olympus myself!" He says, he kicks you away again, 'Argh, if he keeps on kicking me, I might throw up, or die... but I have to get to that box!' So you keep on getting up and trying to get to the box, but every time he keeps on kicking you away. "Foolish, looks like you aren't smart enough to even lay a scratch on me, but your head will be a good trophy!" He summons more arrows and shoot them all at you. You hear a scream but the overwhelming pain distracts you from it, you fall to your knees, everything you have done to get this far, and your going to die... No. "I am not pathetic Ares" you say, you use a lot of strength to brush off the arrows, and stand up. You stand up and use your Spartan rage to heal your wounds, your aura is so strong that any magic user could see it and how big it has gotten. "Impossible, looks like you Spartans are more impressive than I thought, good thing I make soldiers out of the dead ones" he tries to launch more arrows at you, but you walk through it all, you get closer to the box and he tries to kick you, but you catch his foot. "Impossible! No mortal could not block any attack of a God!" Your face is annoyed and angry, you punch his foot back, making him trip and fall. Yiu are finally able to reach the box, and open it. Once you do, some type of power is released, and you absorb it all, you feel overwhelming strength, you have obtained the power to become a God. The power allows you to grow the same size as Ares, and he gets up to face you. "No matter whay power you have, I will kill you!" He rushes at you, but you side step him, and punch him in the side. He skids back a bit, but gets himself together, he then chanta something and a magic rune is lit beneath him, he pulls out a war axe. You get your blades ready ro attack him, he comes in with the first swing, but you block it with your hand, he grunts as he pulls back. You take the chance to go and rush him, but he hits you with the butt of the axe on your side and so you jump backwards, you two are equally matched. But an idea comes to your mind, so you take a good chunck of earth from the ground and throw it at him, he uses his axe to hit it away, but you take the chance to rush him and charge your blades to full heat, and stabe him in the side. "ARGH!" He shouts. So you use the other blade and stab his upper chest, and then kick him to his knees. "(Y/n), remember how I saved you, remember how I trained you to be a fine warrior", you remember those times, but you also remember what he made you do. "I do Ares, but I still can't forgive you for what you have done!" You take your blade out from his side and stab him in his lower neck, his finals words, "I was trying fo make y- you, a great war- warrior..." and with that he falls to the ground, his body laying there. But after a while it starts to glow, and energy flows to you, it goes into your body, just like the power from Pandora's Box. But ince it's done going into your body, Ares's body starts to crack, and it blows up, sending a huge shockwave through the area, starting mountains to crumble, villages to be destroyed, and the sky to start raining. You (Y/n), have done the impossible, you have killed a God. But not just any God, the God of War. The Supernatural world will never be the same again. You stare up into the sky, and feel the rain all over your body, you shrink down to normal size, and once you do get back to normal, Athena appears in front of you from a magic circle. "Well done (Y/n), Olympus greatly appreciates what you have done today" you nod and bow, "Goddess Athena, please grant me a great wish of erasing my memories of what I have done" she shakes her head, "(Y/n), the Gods cant grant that, I am truly sorry, but with the fall of one God, comes the rise of a new one, for you (Y/n), are fhe new God of War!" And with that a magic circle glows beneath you, indicating that you are now considered a God. "But why? I killed him", "That's exactly why, (Y/n), when opening the box you had gotten the ability of Power, every God you kill will now make you stronger, but I advise not to kill any unless it's a order from lord Zeus himself" you just stand there, your body doesn't feel any different from what it used to feel like, "Also (Y/n), would you mind telling your friends that I can sense their presence and to come out?" You don't know what she is talking about until you here someone landing behind you, you turn around and to your surprise, you see Sona running up to you and then hugs you. "Don't ever scare me like that again!" She cries, you hug her back, "I won't, I will always stay with you, but first, how did you guys get here?" The rest of your friends land in front of you, "We didn't think you could sense us, but we should have expected that from the great Goddess of War" Rias says, everyone agrees to this as who could fool Gods.
"Athena, how could you have sense them? I have been using magic for quite some time, but I still can't sense magic",  "I don't know, you only know how to use magic weapons and your own strength, you will have to practice using it" Athena says, "I don't know, seems like to much to remember" you say. Everyone laughs at this, as it proves your to lazy. "Well, what now?" You ask, "You leave for now, you earned a little rest, but we will get you incase Zeus needs you." Athena says. You nod, she then opens a portal that leads back to your school, so you all say one last goodbye, then leave.

You and your friends are now back at school, it seems to be really early in the morning. "Well, that was something" says Issei. "So, it seems that little ol' (Y/n) is now a God, God of War to be exact" says Akeno. "Well, I don't feel any different, other than that I killed a bunch of people", "What do you mean?", "Ares tricked me, he used magic to control me and kill people, I wouldn't have figured out of I hadn't have broken free from it", you sit down with your hands on your head. "I'm a monster...", "No your not (Y/n), your nothing close to one" Sona says as she sits next to you and hugs you. You sit there for what seems like hours, but is actually 15 minutes. "I guess it's time for us to leave, (Y/n), why don't I come to your house if that will help you get things off your mind?","Sure. I would like that", you think that if she were to come over, that you would feel better, you sure hope it does, so you both get up and get ready to go, "Alright everyone, we will all see you later, luckily it's the weekend" Sona says, "Yeah, we'll see you guys later" Rias says, as you say your goodbyes, you notice Koneko staring at you, she looks puzzled, you don't focus on this for to long as you have other things that are on your mind. As you and Sona are walking, you feel such guilt inside you, "The Gods of Olympus are not with me Sona", "What do you mean (Y/n), why wouldn't they be?", "Poseidon has declared war on me, and when I killed Ares, they didn't help me, they are using me" you say angrily. "Calm down (Y/n)... Because I know something that might helo you", "And that is?" You ask, "You will have to wait for it!" Sona says.

You get to your house and you sit down, you sit there for a while, Sona says she has to get ready, you think she is getting ready for bed. But as soon as she opens the door from the bathroom, you see her wearing what seems like Greek apparel, your nose bleeds a little from her outfit as she seems to be showing a little *cough* to much uper leg. "I hope you enjoy this (Y/n)"

Lemon, you little perverts

She gets onto you and starts kissing you, you are surprised by this, and she seems to be taking dominance for a bit, but you force your tongue against hers, battling for dominance, and you end up winning, you explore your new found territory for a bit but then you feel her grab your hand and put it on her breast, you begin to grop her breast and she moans your name "Oh (Y/n)! I have been waiting for this for a long time!" Your confused but still carry on, after a little while of making out, she pins you to the couch, "How about we take this to the next step? Huh mister God of War?" You smile, as she takes off her underwear, and you pull down your pants. She gets near you and takes off your final piece of clothing, your underwear. "Woah!... It's so big! Just like I imagined"Sona gazes in amazement, while you just stand there, no emotion showing. "Well lets start with this" she uses her hand to stroke it, she then gives it a kiss at the tip, you moan a little, she giggles then puts it in her mouth, slowly going deeper into her mouth. She start to choke a little but then is fine, as she puts it all the way in, who knew little ol' Sona could be this wild for you. She keeps on sucking you off till you feel something about to come out. "Sona.... Somethings, comeing out!" You release your load into her mouth and she takes your c0ck out of her mouth. She looks at you and opens her mouth, showing your load in her mouth, then she swallows it. "Now on to the final step!" She says, she then positions herself over you, she gulps but is ready for this, you will be her first, and she will be yours. Ehe then slowly goes down, and as soon as your tip enters, she yelps, "Are you alright Sona?" You asked worried. "I'm fine, I just need to slow down" she says. She prepares herself once again, and finally lowers herself even slowly. She gets closer and closer, she whimpers through the pain and finally makes it all the way. You let out a moan of pleasure, as she now is bouncing up and down you, after a while she begins to enjoy it, you both moan due to how much pleasure you are both getting from each other. More time passes and you both have tried many positions, standing up, on the bed, heck even against the wall, but now you reach even closer to climaxing, "Sona... I'm... about to... CUM!!" You say and you finally release your load into her. You both collapse onto your bed and Sona passes out from exhaustion. But you just put a blanket over her and sit at the edge of the bed, thinking.

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Finally, I'm sorry this took so long, I guess I just don't like writing lemons, but dang this was a big chapter, and I hope you guys enjoyed, and till next time!

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