4 months later.

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A\N: hey readers this chapter is when Miley becomes 4 months pregnant in her second pregnancy but they don't know what the sex of the baby is let's find out and see and let's find out and this story what's going to happen next.

Miley POV: wakesup and but does see Roman at the bed next to him and so she gets up and goes to the bathroom and gets undressed and turns on the water and gets in and washes her body and hair and turns off the water and gets out and grabs a towel and drys off and wraps the towel around her body and takes another towel to dry her hair off and goes to the sink and brush her teeth and blow drys her hair and fixes her hair and puts on her makeup and puts the second towel on the bathtube and walks back into the bathroom and drops the towel and puts on a pair of white bra and thong and blue shirt and black jean pants and white socks and gets on her facebook and twitter post new photo's of herself.

Miley POV: wakesup and but does see Roman at the bed next to him and so she gets up and goes to the bathroom and gets undressed and turns on the water and gets in and washes her body and hair and turns off the water and gets out and grabs a towel ...

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Miley is 4 months Pregnant with Roman baby.

Roman POV: I woke up at 5am in the morning and goes to the bathroom and takes a shower to wash his hair and body and turns off the water and grabs a towel and drys off his hair and body and blow drys his hair and puts his hair in a ponytail and wraps a towel around himself and walks back into the bedroom and drops his towel and puts on black boxers and black tank top and black shorts and black socks and black tennie shoes and grabs his wallet and car keys and goes downstairs and makes himself some breakfast and after finish cooking his breakfast and eats his breakfast, which is pancakes and eggs and bacon and hash brows and cup of coffee and finishes it and then goes upstairs and to his and Miley bedroom and then to the bathroom and brush his teeth and walks out of the bathroom and walks back into the bedroom and grabs his duffle bag and blows a kiss to Miley and leaves a note and gift on the side bed table and walks out of the bedroom and walks downstairs and goes to the garage and gets in and opens the garage door open and it goes open and gets in and buckles up and puts the key in and reverse and parks and goes neutral as drives forword and drives off to the gym and drives a couple of blocks away from his and Miley and arrives at the gym and parks his car and unbuckles up and turns off the engine and grabs his car keys and duffle bag and opens his car door and gets out and close and locks his car and goes inside the gym and see Colby Lopez aka (Seth Rollins) across to gym from him and as they waves at eachother and then he see a sexy and beautiful woman with her wearing a black tank top and black booty shorts and red bra and red thong and black socks and black tennie shoes which it is LaNyce Levesque aka (Christina Helmsley) and starts to drool and licks his lips when he see her bend over.

Roman POV: I woke up at 5am in the morning and goes to the bathroom and takes a shower to wash his hair and body and turns off the water and grabs a towel and drys off his hair and body and blow drys his hair and puts his hair in a ponytail and wr...

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