WWE Monday Night Raw.

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A\N: hey readers this chapter is about Monday Night Raw so let's see what happens in this chapter.

Randy Orton on WWE Monday Night Raw and his girlfriend Miley Loveridge ring name: Miley is still on WWE Friday Night Smackdown with her Ex=Husband Roman Reigns/ father of her children and her best friend Christina Helmsley and then Miley moves to Monday Night Raw so she can end up being with Randy Orton.

Randy and Riddle are now the raw tag team champions.

Randy and Riddle are now the raw tag team champions

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RK-Bro vs

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RK-Bro vs. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode – Raw Tag Team Championship Match: Raw, Oct. 25, 2021

 RK-Bro continued their streak of successful title defenses when they retained the Raw Tag Team Championships against the Dirty Dawgs (Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode) on Monday night.

During the bout, Ziggler and Roode had an impressive showing, as they held their own with the champions. The Dirty Dawgs even gained the upper hand early on, but Roode narrowly avoided an RKO attempt that could have marked the end of the match if Orton hit the maneuver.

Later in the match, Riddle was tagged in after Orton and Ziggler fought to a standstill. Riddle hit a quick knee on the former world champion before he dropped "The Showoff" with a suplex. Roode slid into the ring and saved the match when he broke up a pin attempt.

Not to be outdone, Orton quickly slid into the ring and hit Roode with an RKO out of nowhere, which still wasn't enough to end things. Ziggler nearly stole the win with a roll-up, but "The Original Bro" turned the tables and pinned Ziggler with a spladle to win the bout.

 Ziggler nearly stole the win with a roll-up, but "The Original Bro" turned the tables and pinned Ziggler with a spladle to win the bout

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