Chpt 6

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C-chapter 6... 6 chapters in one day? Pog????

Your POV

We wen't to a café and saw Britney come up. "Can I stay with you guys?" Britney asked. Tiffany, being the angel she is, said yes. I felt like something was not quite right.

I looked at Ranboo who was being pretty much tortured by Luke and Mike. The two rambled on and on and wanted to talk To Him all the time. Ranboo looked at me, pure fear in his eyes. "How do you survive...?" He whispered to me and raised an eyebrow at him.
"Years of practice" I said, looking at Mike and Luke. "Boys, go bother Jack or Alissa" I said and pointed to the anime loving girl and emo boy across the street. Yep, my siblings.

"But We wanna hang out with Mark!" Mike complained clinging to Ranboo's arm. "I swear, I am gonna dropkick these children in self defense any moment... " Ranboo whispered under his breathe, causing me to laugh. "I give you full permission" I said and told Tiff what I wanted.

Chocolate muffin, Because who Doesn't like chocolate? Ranboo didn't wan't anything, but like hell I was gonna let him not eat something so...

"Hey Mark" I said and pulled down his mask. "Whats up-" Before he could finish I shoved some of the muffin in his mouth. He started to cough and looked at me, his eyes wide. "You trying to kill me!?"
"No, just giving you a piece of my muffin" I said and took a bite.

The day went by smoothly. Surprisingly, me and Ranboo got along great. We had same interrest and he was jusy easy to talk to. It quickly turned 16:30 and we were at the spot we were suppose to meet. Jessica came over to us and smiled. "Hey Y/N, Did you have fun?" She asked.
The fuck?
When did she care about me? "I did? Why do you ask?" I raised my eyebrow at her. She just rolled her eyes and smiled at Ranboo. "I Don't think I have told my name. I'm Jessica" She said.

I could tell Ranboo was really uncomfortable by the situation, but he still was polite and nice. Jessica tried to talk to him, But it was just really awkward. She wen't on about her friends and herself, while Ranboo just... Well, listened I guess.
Guess he gotta deal with the torture of Jess.

I walked over to Tiffany and she handed me Isabelle. "Heya Issie!" I said, making Isabelle laugh and talk in gibberish. She placed her tiny hands on my face and really tried speaking. "Say Y/N" I said my name slowly so she could catch it, but she just laugh.
"Y/N, she is just six months old, can't expect her to say proper wirds yet" Tiffany said and Took Isabelle out of my arms. True... Not even a year old yet.

Our parents arrived and we walked home. I entered my house and wen't to my room, flopping onto my bed. I was so tired. I decided to scroll Through Twitter a bit. Nothing really going on. Nothing I am interrested in.

I heard a thud on my window and I could guess who. I opened my curtains and opened my window to see... Ranboo...

For some reason I was actually happy he wanted to talk. "So, How is the first official 24 hours here?" He asked with a smile.
"They have been decent. However I have a feeling you should watch out for Britney and Jessica... They are up to no good, I can feel it" I said, looking at the stormy eyed boy.

"Are there any perks of being a middle child?" Ranboo asked, to which I gave him my crooked smile.
"Nope" I said, making a popping sound on the p.
"Gee, and I thought being an only child was terrible" Ranboo chuckled leaning on the window frame.

"Honestly, having a family as big as mine, you get no privacy, theres always-" Before I could finish, Jess barged in.

"Y/N!!!" Jess shouted. Ranboo laughed and closed his curtains. "Well thanks for absolut shit Ranboo" I said, before turning to Jessica.
"What? I swear I didn't touch your make up kit, Y'know I hate make up, stop asking me" I looked at Jessica, sho grabbed the colour of my hoodie angrily and stared at me angrily. "Your dead Y/N!!! You know I like him!!!" Jessica wen't on.

Well Ranboo was in for a show. I leaned closer to the Window so he could hear what I had to say. I Knew he would eavesdrop. "You Mean Mark!? Nooooo Idea what your talking about!" I over exagerated my voice, but I didn't hear Laughing on the other end.

"You little bitch!" Before Jess could do anything, Tiffany stepped. "JESSICA!!! Mother and Father wants to talk with you" Tiff said, before Jessica could say anything, Tiffany dragged her out my room.
If not for Tiff, I would have been dead the day I was born.


"How in the world could your sister like me? Its been 23 hours" Ranboo laughed, still not understanding my cringy sister.

"I know! Thats what I live with!" I had fun talking with Ranboo. Felt like I could maybe have a real friend. Someone I can trust. Jess just had to realize I was finally getting a friend and not a BOYfriend.

Was it that hard for her to realize?

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