Chpt 4

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Ranboo POV

The family that had moved in next door was a big one. I heard from my window two girls talking and couldn't help but listen in. I Heard Y/N's voice and rolled my eyes. She was really rude, but with a family that big, its natural to be over looked.

I assume thats why she have such a rude personality. Atleast in first impressions. So i tried talking to her again. She played Minecraft, and maybe Streamed as well, but I am not gonna go on and say she did, Because I didn't ask and she didn't tell me.

The next day, I just decided to have my window and curtains closed, like she did. Beside, I had planned a stream with Tommy, Wilbur and Sneeg on the Origin SMP. I had fun on the stream. Especially killing Sneeg.

The stream had lasted about 1 hour when I head something on my window. "Not to alarm you Ranboo, But I there was knocking" Wilbur says and breaks into laughter afterwards.
"I heard that" I simply replied and brushed it off, but I heard something smash against my window.

"Ranboob what is that!?" Tommy asked. I left the call and ended stream, walking over to my window. I opened the Curtains to see Y/N holding plushy and ready to throw.

Our eyes locked and she slowly lowered the plushy, causing me to laugh as I opened the window." Y'know its not polite to throw stuff at my window" I said and looked down to see a book. Seemed like a childrens book. "Well the selfie stick didn't knock loud enough, so I wen't to throwing" She explained crossing her arms.

"Why do you have a selfie stick?" I asked, which I got my answer pretty quickly.

"Y/N!!! WHERE IS IT YOY LITTLE TERMIT!!!" A girl busted into her room and grabbed the selfie stick. "YOU KNOW YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE MY THINGS!!!"

"Alissa..." Y/N said and gave the girl a thumbs up and proceeded to point over her shoulder at me. I waved at her and could see the embarrasment she was in, as she awkwardly left the room. "Quite a Family" I couldn't resist but laugh.

I heard Y/N laugh to.

Your POV

I heard him laugh and tbh, I laughed as well. We were a wacky family. It was surprisingly nice to talk to Mark. "So Mark-"

"Please, Call me Ranboo" He said, with a smile. Ranboo? What a weird name. Maybe its the name he is prefered to be called?

"Alright Ranboo, what were you doing since you didn't answer the first knock?" I asked and quickly he found an empty basket. "Laundry" Ranboo said, placing the Basket down. Fair, he couldn't really answer if he wasn't in his room...

Ranboo POV

... And that is why I have an empty basket in my room. You never know when your going to need it.

"Well Ranboo! My family wanted to explore this city a bit, so we could get farmiliar with our surrondings. I wondered if You and your family would like to come along" Y/N said, having a small Crooked smile on her face. For someone reason, she could pull off a smile like that.

I laughed and nodded. "sure, I have nothing better to do" I said and completly forgot about Tommy, Wilbur and Sneeg. Whatever, I did stream today, should be enough.

{Timeskip because Author is lazy}

Your POV

I had my small backpack which contained my phone, wallet and so on. As soon as we stepped out the house, Ranboo's parents also did. "Hello there!" Father greeted with glee. God, I love my dad, but he could really be over the fucking top.

"Hello, I heard your going to take a trip around the city" Ranboo's mother said and holy fucking hell his mother was gorgeous! She had the same stormy eyes as Ranboo. "Indeed we are!"

"Well, Mark said one of your daughters Y/N had invited us to come along" His mother said and I could feel Jessica's eyes burning through my skull. I didn't care, Jess could go eat shit, so could Britney.

"Well Y/NN (Your nickname) Thats a good idea! Best to bond with the neighbors than be enemies with them!" Father said. Mother was very quiet. She usually was. I turned to look at Jessica, but she was drooling over Ranboo. Of course... Typical Jessica...

We started to walk down the street, our parents talking and getting along."WOW!! Your like, super tall!!!" Luke said, looking at Ranboo.
"Yeah! Your even taller than!!" Mike said, causing me to laugh at them and Jackson to get dramaticly offended. "I am hurt" He said in a dramtic joking tone.

"Get over it, Cry baby" Alissa said, busy texting on her phone, while Tiffany had Isabelle in her strolly.
"Whats your name?" Jessica asked, having the sweet, innocent girl act. She is a fucking pick-me-girl I am telling you.

"My names Mark" Ranboo said and pulled his mask up. This made Britney regonize him. "So your Y/N's boyfriend" Britney said, Causing all of us, except for our parents to stop.
"WHAT!???!?" All my siblings shouted, except for Britney and Tiffany.
"Whoa, Y/NN never expected you to get a boyfriend with in 24 hours" Jackson said.

"Number one, not my boyfriend, Number two, I decided to try and interact with humanity to try and get a fresh start" I said, which everyone except Jessica and Britney got. Ah yes, The bitchduo.

I could already feel this was going to be a long ass trip.

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