Chpt 12

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Ranboo POV

I Don't remember much, other than alot of disney movies being watching in order of their release. I had fallen asleep? Well, Not asleep in my own room. I felt a figure, having their head tucked in the crook of my neck. Y/N...
I looked to the Tv, to see no movie playing. Just a black screen.
Than a replay of yesterday...

The brick...
Y/N could have gotten seriously hurt. I Don't wanna even think about what could have happened if I wasen't there. I held her close and looked at the ceiling. Who would do such a thing? Why would such a thought go into someones head? Why do some people not think before they act. I heard the door open and I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I didn't want it to the twins. For the love of god not the twins. If I pretended to sleep, they would leave me alone.

I heard snickering and I just kept my eyes shut. "Mark?" I recognized Mike's voice and I could guess Luke was the one snickering. "Mark?" Mike started to try and shrug me awake. I still didn't budge. I was not going let them torture for the entire day. There was the sound of a picture being taken and Mike and Luke running out of the room. I opened my eyes slightly and looked at the door, being wide open. I sighed and looked at the ceiling once more.

What else could I do? Wake Y/N? No way. I was going to let her sleep. I heard Y/N start to wake up, as I felt the weight on my chest getting lighter. I looked at Y/N and gave her a soft, caring smile. "Good morning Y/N"

Your POV

Oh... shit...

I woke up and tried to sit, but I felt protective arms, holding me in their embrace. I felt safe, but I wanted to know who the fuck had the guts to-

I saw Ranboo's face. He gave me a soft smile and I felt my heart skip a beat. What... When... I than remembered. The Disney marathon. I must have fallen asleep in the beginning of Lion King 2. Good movie. I looked at him and smiled back. "Good morning Boo" I said and saw his ears go pink. It was actually pretty funny how his ears just went pink at times. Kind of... well... cute. I giggled at it and he tilted his head slightly. "What? What is it? Do I have something on my face?" He asked and went cross eyed. I couldn't stand for this loveable dork.

I looked at his stormy eyes. I felt my heart beat out of my chest. what on earth was even going on? I don't even know why, but I started to lean closer to him. I felt his hands on my shoulders as he pulled me close. Our noses brushed past eachother and... I kissed him on his cheek, purposely missing his lips. I think he knew that...

I didn't want to think of Ranboo as more than a friend. I didn't. But, I did. In 3 weeks he could make my heart skip a beat. Why? Love takes time, you can't fall in love in 3 weeks. There is no way. Its impossible. Even if I did, I was only 16. I was still a teenager, learning about the world and the word love. I didn't know what love felt like. How could I know? 

I buried my head in the crook of his neck, feeling a sting of pain tear at my heart. I just wanted friendship. A real friendship. Not a romantic relationship. 

Ranboo's POV

I felt her lips brush past mine and land softly onto my cheek. I understood, atleast I think I did. She didn't like me. Not like that atleast. Had I made it awkward? Not good. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable. I felt her bury her head in the crook of my neck. We stayed there for a long time, giving me time to think about what had happened. Friends... Start there... And don't go further... Not yet and not anytime soon...

What a way to be friendzoned right? Just realize it yourself. 

She sat up and didn't look at me. "We should get out of bed and get some breakfast... And your parents are probaly worried where you went" Y/N told me and stood up, walking towards the door. I followed her. She was everything I loved. But she didn't love me. Thats fine. I could still have her friendship, which is more than I could have ever asked for. 

We walked down the stairs to see her family all sitting at the dinning table. Her mother was Bottle feeding Isabelle, Tiffany and Jackson was talking, Alissa was on her phone, Mike and Luke were having a sort of food war, while Britney was eating her food and talking with Jessica. "Well good morning you two!" I heard Y/N's Father greet us. 

"Morning Mr. L/N" I said politely and smiled. "Mark, I didn't know you slept over" Her mother said and looked at me with worried eyes. "Is something wrong?" I shook my head no. "Everything is fine. Just... an incident" I said and looked at Y/N. I didn't wanna tell her parents about the brick, unless she was ready. 

"Does your mother know you were here?" Her mother asked and Placed Isabelle in her highchair to walk over to us. "Well, no..." I said and felt a bit ashamed when I saw how full of Worry Y/N's mother was in. She was such a sweet woman, she shouldn't have to worry about me. But I guess its just a mothers instinct to care, even if its not your child. "I will go tell her you have been here. In the meantime you can eat breakfast. She needs to know your safe and sound" Y/N's mother said and left the house. 

They may be a big, chaotic family. But a caring one, none the less. 

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