Chpt 9

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Ranboo POV

I couldn't concentrate... I kept looking at my window, waiting for somekind of noise. 'Just a small thud, thats all...' but nothing happened. It was as quiet as always.
"RANBOO!!!" I jumped, as I heard Tubbo and Tommy yell at the same time.

"Y-Yeah?" I stuttered, looking at my screen. "You ok? You seem off...?" Tommy said. None of us were streaming. Outside of Streaming, Tommy was really nice and put others before himself... So did Tubbo.

"I'm fine, I just... I Don't feel well" I said and looked at who was in the call. Philza...

"It's alright mate. You Don't have to tell us, if you Aren't comfortable with it" Philza said. Well he I wanted to tell him. He must have good advice. If not, I knew Niki was always there to listen, and so was Tommy and Wilbur.

"Phil... Can we go and talk in private call...?" I asked. I needed answers. I just felt so alone and my chest was killing me. I wanted to know. I had to know.
I got off the call with Tommy and Tubbo, getting into a private call with Phil. I sat there, untill I heard the farmiliar sound that he had joined the call.

"Whats up mate?" He asked. I hesitated, staying silent for a while. I could tell Philza was waiting. He said I should just take my time. "Can you get Kristen Here as well...?" I asked, and started to fidget with the strings of my hoodie. I could hear Philza get out of his chair and go to his wife, Kristen. My parents didn't give the best advice, but they were there for me. I could tell my own parents, but I just wanted to talk with Phil and Kristen first...

"Whats up Ranboo?" I heard Kristen say. "Can Philza also hear me?" I asked. They had their face cam on. "Yeah, I can Mate" Philza said, his voice softened. God, they probaly thought it was extremly serious.
I took in a deep breath and exhaled. "How do you know if your in love, if you have only known the person for a week...?" I asked.
I could see Kristen smile and Philza opening his mouth to speak.

"Sometimes, people fall in love faster than others. Some even the first day they meet. Others take years. You can fall in love within' seconds" Philza said. Within' seconds? I have always thought if things moved to quickly, it wouldn't work out.
"When... When did you know, that Kristen was the one for you?" I asked, fiddeling with the strings of my hoodie.

"When I started to miss her" Philza said and smiled at his wife.
"Yeah, same here. When I started to miss him, I knew I had fallen for him" Kristen said. I looked at them and took a few minutes to think. They were waiting for me to process and gave me time to think.
"Thank you... For the answer" I said and got off the call finally. I missed her. Y/N.
It was killing me, that there was no sound. Nothing next door. I wanted to talk with her, but I also didn't wanna seem clingy and annoying. She did have alot of siblings and I didn't wanna bother her.

It was all still so confusing.

I saw Y/N as a good friend, but I longed for her here. I wanted to talk with her. In person. Not text or call over the phone. Nothing like that. But I'm not sure what I'm feeling is love...

I guess I still have somethings to work out.

Its fine. I would figure it out eventually.

{Timeskip Because Author-Chan is lazy}

Your POV

The week at this little summer house was almost over. I texted Ranboo everyday, but it was nothing like talking with him. I finally had a someone I could consider a friend! A good friend.
I had a bunkbed with Tiffany, I sleeping on the top. "Are you texting him again?" Tiffany asked, standing at the side of the bunkbed.
"Who?" I asked, playing dumb. I knew who she meant, but I had always told Tiff I had plenty of friends, so she wouldn't worry about me.

"Mark. You two are extremly good friends and I'm glad theres someone you can talk to" Tiffany said and put her hand on the edge of the railing.
"You didn't really socialize with your old friends... You Don't even have their number"

I looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "Its pretty easy to see who is in your contacts. You have Dad, Mom and Me... And a fourth... Mark" She was right. All my contacts could fit on one. I couldn't even scroll down to see more of my contacts. I only had four.
"We can invite his family for a beach day tommorrow. Dad has borrowed a boat from one of his friends here. Its also the guy he bought the house of"

I looked at her and smiled. She smiled back and left the room. I quickly wen't into me and Ranboo's messages to text him

Hey Boo

Whats up Window girl?

My family has decided on a
Beach day tommorrow
Wanna Come along?

Hold on, I'll ask my parents
Real quick
Yeah Its cool with them

Great, I'll go tell my dad

Window girl...
What beach?

Shoot XD
Its (insert beach name Author is lazy)

Alright! Cya tommorrow❤️

I looked at the message and felt my heart start to beat faster. I was excited to see Ranboo. More than I should. I missed to talk to him in person. That little heart emoji, just made my own heart flutter.

Thats weird.

Meh, its probaly nothing

I wen't to go tell my father I had invited Ranboo and his Family. "Thats a splendid idea!!!" Father said with glee.

"It would be nice to talk with Marks mother again. Shes such a nice lady" Mother said. I have a feeling my mother is quite alot like me. Shes always been quiet and never really let herself be noticed. But the difference was, she always had friends.

I could just feel Jessica eyeing me. Like a hawk, finding a little rabbit in the tall grass, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Tommorrow was going to be amazing and a nightmare... With Jessica...

Just A Summer Crush - RanbooxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now