Chapter 12

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Hey lovelies........
Hope you all are fine........

Jin came out from his room wearing some casual clothes. He wore his baby blue sweater with matching blue ripped jeans. His hair bangs were falling onto his wide forehead covering half of his eyes giving him a cute look.

Jin walked towards the living room after getting down from the stairs. When he came to the living room his mom and dad were seated in the living room doing some random work.

Jin started to walk towards the door giving them zero attention. Both his mom and dad lifted their heads when they saw Jin walking without noticing them. Jin stopped near the table to grab his wallet and car keys.

"Where do you think you are going at this hour young man? " Mr. Kim snapped at Jin.

Jin halted his steps and sighed, "Non of your  concern dad " Jin said as calmly as possible without even bothering to turn around. Mr.  Kim and Mrs. Kim were both taken aback by Jin's sudden attitude because Jin never behaved like this earlier.

"Pardon?" Mr. Kim asked raising an eyebrow.

"Dad, for your kind information I would like to inform that your son is going out for dinner, and dad please keep in mind I'm not a small kid to tell you whatever the things I'm doing " Jin said in a mocking tone turning around to face his father.

Mr. Kim was taken aback by the tone that Jin used, but he tried to ignore it, " Kim Seokjin! Don't you dare to give me that stupid attitude. Your damn brother too gave me that fucking attitude once and I think you know what has happened to him now. Going behind some stupid music " Mr. Kim yelled to Jin through gritted teeth.

Mrs. Kim on the other hand was looking at her son and husband from time to time unable to do or say anything against her husband. Her husband was always like that, he would do anything in order to achieve what he needed. He didn't care what he had to do to achieve his dreams. Even if it meant to kill someone he won't think twice about that.

"Dad, I'm not giving you any attitude...  Just stating the facts. And about my hyung, don't you dare even to say his name from that mouth of yours. You are the one who did everything to hyung. You are the reason why hyung left us and you are the reason for hyung to live like that but at least he is happy and not one of your puppets.

You know what dad I'm not going against you because I know that is in vain but remember I'm proud of my hyung he had the guts unlike me, I'm just a coward who is a true puppet for you. Do whatever you want to do dad I don't care"  Jin said in a hurtful tone and walked towards the door leaving a shocked Mrs. Kim and an angry Mr. Kim alone.

Jin walked towards the door again but when he neared the door, he halted again and turned back, " You know what dad, you were my role model every time... I respected you with all my heart, you were my hero.... I was so happy to be born in a family like this, I thought I'm the most luckiest person to have such parents and such a wealth but now.... I hate being born as a Kim, I hate being born as your son I would prefer being born on a street other than being born here... I hate you dad " Jin said with tear filled eyes and stormed out of the house. When he came near the car he took several breaths to calm himself down and wiped his tears. He then got into the car and closed the door with a loud bang and drove away as fast as he could ignoring all the traffic rules.

Saying Mrs. Kim was shocked about Jin's words were an understatement because every thing that Jin said was true and that broke her heart. She was really angry with her husband. She stormed towards Mr. Kim was wasn't even bothered a bit by Jin's words. Mrs. Kim hold onto Mr. Kim's shirt with both of her hands, "What have we done to our sons? Did you hear what he said? He hates us.... HE HATES US, is that what you want? Tell me.... " Mrs. Kim yelled while shaking Mr. Kim, her tears never stopped streaming down.

Mrs. Kim expected every kind of reaction from Mr. Kim but, the thing which Mr. Kim did next was not something she thought ever, " Get off me you crazy lady, this is all your fucking fault. You had only one job, that was to give me a heir who would listen to me, but now look what has happened. I already lost one chance because that stupid elder son of yours want to do fucking music and remember you crazy lady I won't loose my next chance. Keep that inside that stupid brain of yours " Mr. Kim yelled while pushing Mrs. Kim away from his body. Mrs. Kim fell in the ground with a thud.

" What has happened to you , you are like a monster. They are your sons not some puppet. Please let them live their life. I beg you " Mrs. Kim pleaded through tears.

" I FUCKING DON'T CARE ABOUT HOW I USE THEM YOU BITCH! I dare you bitch, don't even fucking dare to put your filthy hands in my business. I will achieve my dreams somehow. I want that fucking Jeon empires under me. That fucking Jeon took my everything in the past and I won't let that bastard son of him to live happily. I want that fucking company and I would take that somehow. I would do that even if it meant to kill someone again I would do that gladly. After all getting rid of that Jeon was not difficult at all" Mr. Kim said with a dirty smirk and stormed out of the house. Mrs. Kim sat on the floor itself and curled herself and cried her eyes out thinking about the things that are about to happen in their lives.....

Hope you like the chapter........
Thanks for reading.......

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