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"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n wake up," I heard Connie and Julie say as they gently shook me awake. "What?" I asked them, tiredly. "We need to get to school," Connie replies and pulls the covers off of me.

"Can't we just skip?" I asked her with a groan, rolling over on the bed. "Unfortunately, no." Julie said and rubbed her eyes.

I let out a groan and slowly sat up from my spot on the bed and rubbed my eyes. Julie then threw my clothes and shoes on my bed for me and I thanked her before stretching on my bed then finally getting up from it. I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom once Connie walked out out. I changed into my clothes and walked out to put my shoes on.

I was wearing a blue sweater and black jean pants. My shoes were just plain white converse. I brushed my hair then went back into the bathroom where Connie was brushing her teeth. She passed me my toothbrush which already had toothpaste on it and I started brushing my teeth.

"Hurry up!" Julie called from the room. "We're going!" Me and Connie shouted through our toothbrushes. "Brush faster!" Julie complained.

I was the first one to finish brushing my teeth and rinse my mouth clean. Connie soon finished after me and we all grabbed our bags, heading down to the lobby where the boys were.

They were all so tired and most of them were a yawing mess, but I couldn't blame them.

Once we all got to school we went into the class where Miss Mckay was waiting. I sat down on my desk in front of Adam and rubbed my face tiredly. She greeted us and I took out what we needed and left them on my desk.

Once we ate breakfast she began her teaching and when I tell you I couldn't focus— I really couldn't focus. My head ended up falling on the desk as I passed out into a deep sleep.

"Y/n," I heard and opened my eyes.

I saw Miss Mckay standing near my desk and her hand was on my back. I sat up straight, apologizing. She nodded and went to wake up Luis who also fell asleep during the lesson.

"That tired?" I heard Adam ask me from behind.

"Yeah I'm that tired. Are you not?" I replied, turning out, wiping the drool that was on my mouth. "Not as tired as you," He said with a small chuckle. "Please give me your energy,"

I turned back around and laid my head down, looking at what Miss Mckay was writing on the board. As I was paying attention I felt my eyes start to slowly droop. As my eyes fully closed I fell back into a deep slumber.

"Y/n! Wake up!"

My eyes snapped open to see Miss Mckay near my desk again.

"Shit, sorry," I quickly apologized. "Sorry!"

"What happened to you guys?" Miss Mckay asked as she looked at us. "Coach kept us to practice after our game against Iceland," Charlie replied and looked at her with a tired face. "He did? Oh I'm so sorry," Miss Mckay apologized, her hand coming to her mouth, covering it.

"Yeah. His new name is Captain Blood." Jesse commented before resting his head on his desk.

"Well I could dismiss you guys early If you'd like," Miss Mckay offered. "I would very much enjoy that," Goldberg agrees with her.

We all nodded and she smiled softly. "Do you guys wanna sleep here or do you guys wanna go on and head to your dorms?" She asked us.

"Dorms!" We all answered. "Well then, you all are dismissed!"

Everyone got up and put their things away but I stayed seated while putting my stuff away then felt a soft fabric around me. I looked down and saw a jacket was around me then looked behind me to see Adam putting his stuff away in his bag.

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