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We Ducks were in our Ducks jerseys as today is the day of the JV-Varsity showdown. We were all walking onto the ice and Charlie was nodding at each and one of us for reassurance.

"Y/n can I speak to you?" Charlie asked causing me to turn back at him. I nodded and skated over to him. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I'm gonna need your help with these guys— when we're on the ice together stick with me...who knows what they can do this time."

I listened to him then nodded before joining the Ducks in the circle. We were warming up as the varsity team was doing the same exact thing.

It was until then that the teams went to the coach's which is where we were now. He was speaking to us until we had put our hands in the middle.

"Quack...quack," Coach Orion started making us all smile at each other.

"Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!" We all chanted as the crowd began chanting with us. "Go~ Ducks!"

We all went to our positions and I glared at Cole as Adam went to center with Rick.

"You're gonna wish like hell you stuck with us." Rick mentioned, leaning down grabbing his stick. "Save the trash talk," Adam shot back.

My eyes widen as I realized how hot that comment was. It wasn't the best comeback but they way he said it was wow.

I was brought back to reality when the ref dropped the puck and Adam was shoved to the ground. I chased after Rick since he had the puck with him but slipped on the ice in the process.

Getting back up, I went over behind the goal to see Julie save the puck that Rick had shot. She hit it to me and I didn't see anyone open so it was my opportunity to have the puck to myself.

I zoomed out behind the goal and just as that happened Cole bumped into my shoulder— my injured shoulder. I fell back and grabbed my shoulder protectively.

I bit my lip in pain to cover up my groans. I eventually got up and got in front of Riley since he was in front of the goal, fighting with him trying to steal the puck back. Everyone joined in and so did Julie.

We began picking up the trash. The ref then called for us to go back to the face off and Russ got switched with Fulton.

I went to my position as Charlie faced off with Rick.

"Why'd you come back?" Rick asked the boy.

"Unfinished business," Charlie replied.

"We'll finish it for you,"

Just as the puck was dropped I went by Charlie's side and helped him knock down Rick before following after the puck. Averman grabbed the puck and bean to skate away but then got shoved to the wall, falling down.

Fulton took action and knocked down the person who shoved Averman. Cole and some other team members of the Warriors gathered on Fulton making me use my stick, hitting each of them on the back of their knees, hard. Without the ref looking of course—

They all groaned and released Fulton, allowing him to skate away. Rick tried scoring the puck in the goal but it got saved by Julie once again.

Charlie went after it, going around the goal. I went after him as I saw Rick going over onto his side, squeezing him. I went to the other side of the varsity captain and took the puck from Charlie just in time for him to be knocked down.

My feet carried me to the other side of the rink where Scooter was. "Don't mess up now," I whispered to myself as I controlled the puck with my hockey stick.

𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆|| 𝖠𝖣𝖠𝖬 𝖡𝖠𝖭𝖪𝖲 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now