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As we went onto the ice again Dean was encouraging the crowd to cheer louder as I was skating besides him. Dean then went over to Cole and began to speak to him as we got into our positions, ready to play the match.

Adam was taking the face off and just as the puck was dropped to the ice, Cole went straight to Dean, trying to knock him down. Dean swung around the blond guy and skated away.

I had the puck with me before Dean called my name. I hit the puck to Adam and he cradled it as I went over to Dean. We kneeled down on our knee as Cole went over our backs, and crashed into the glass boards.

Fulton came by our side and we watched as the blond struggled to get up. Me and Dean fist bumped each other before restarting the game.

The Bash Brothers were on a roll as they had been knocking down the varsity team real good.

Averman hit the puck towards a varsity member but Guy stole it and headed towards the goal. He passed it back to Averman and Averman faked the shot as if he were actually gonna shoot the puck— Luis got the puck and shot towards the goal but it got glove saved by Scooter. Luis ended up crashing into the wall after that hit.

There was a line change for both teams so I jumped over and into the box as Dean shook my head, jumping over onto the ice. The game continued and Dean was trying to steal the puck, and tripped his opponent.

The ref blew the whistle and I looked over while drinking some water. Dean was sent into the penalty box and I threw my water bottle down.

"What the fuck ref! He was there for three seconds!" I yelled and then got pulled down by the coach. Dean was put into the box then started cheering with the crowd. "I can't even be mad anymore when he does that." I muttered quietly.

Dean then ripped (not literally) his jersey off of him, swung it around and, threw it at the crowd.

"What is he doing—"

"Let him be, Y/n!"

"Shut up, Averman!"

The game was still going but all the crowd was focused on was the older Portman stripping in the penalty box while shouting.

Dean removed his pads and his shirt having his own little fun while I let out a scoffed laugh, sinking down on the bench I was sitting on. The crowd was still cheering on for him as he began dancing in the box. My hand came in contact with my forehead, facepalming myself.

There was a line change so the people that were in the box with coach, jumped over on the ice. I then saw the ref going over to Coach Orion and tell him something that I couldn't quite make out. Everyone groaned making me confused and coach called time out so I went over to him. It was I then saw Kenny going to the penalty box where Dean was—making me sigh.

"What's going on coach?" I asked him.

I stood next to Adam as I listened to the coach speak to us.

"Listen— pressure is all on them. Now all we gotta do is hold our ground...okay Conway, Banks, and little Portman." Coach said and I looked at him. "Coach I don't think I can," I said softly. "No, Y/n. You got this...make sure no one gets near that shoulder. Okay Ducks let's go!"

I went to my position with Adam and the boy looked at me.

"What's wrong with your shoulder?" He asked me. "I know it got bumped into and you dislocated it once, but what happened?" I gulped and avoided eye contact with him.


"My shoulder got dislocated again," I whispered softly but he was still able to hear me. "What? Is that bad? Please tell me it's not bad—"

𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆|| 𝖠𝖣𝖠𝖬 𝖡𝖠𝖭𝖪𝖲 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now