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"Y/n...Y/n wake up! You have a game today!" I heard Linda whisper as my body was being shaken softly. "I'm up, I'm up—" I grumbled and turned over to my side.

"That's it—"

I felt my covers get pulled off of me which made me groan.

"Linda!" I whined and patted around my bed to find the covers. "Get up! Class starts in an hour and you need to get stuff ready for you game!"

I whined even more and rolled off of my bed and onto the floor before sitting up.


Linda smiled at me then laid out my outfit on my bed with my shoes.

"Oh— thank you," I thanked her then got up from the floor with a yawn.

"You're welcome. I'll be in the library if you need me." She replied and walked out of the dorm room, waving at me.

I waved back at her and looked at my phone to see the time.

5:37 a.m

I gasped and glared at the door. There was three hours left until school actually started.

Damn you Linda!!!!

I groaned and rubbed my face then stripped out of my pajamas. I set up my hair straightener after I slipped on my blue jeans and turned it on so it can get hot. After I grabbed my shirt and slipped it on, moving my hair out of the shirt.

Sitting down, I turned on some music.

In The Night by The Weekend

I hummed the song as I parted my hair into sections after I brushed it and tied it with a hair tie. Grabbing my straightener, I began to straighten my hair with the time I had.

After about an hour of doing my hair and listening to music, the sun was shining out in the sky just slightly. As I looked outside I was tucking my shirt in my jeans for a better look.

I was wearing a pink, green striped, collared long sleeve shirt and baggy blue jeans. After I was done changing I grab one of my books from my bag and open it. Flopping on my bed, I read my book to make the time fly by faster.


"Will you be at the game today?" I asked Adam as we walked to the cafeteria together for breakfast.

"Course I am," He told me with a smile. "Thanks, but I think it's gonna be weird considering you won't be playing with us anymore," I said and grabbed his hand. Adam squeezed my hand, "I know but i'll be cheering you guys on,"

I smiled softly at him as he looked forward while we were walking into the cafeteria. I let go of his hand and walked to where the rest of the team was sitting. "Hey guys," I said and sat down.




I took out my homework from my bag and placed it in front of me. Just as I took out a pencil I was pulled up from my seat making me drop it, and yelp— surprised at the action.

"If you're going to be doing homework you need to sit with us," Rick told me with a stern voice.

"I don't always need to sit with you guys! I hardly even sit with my actual team! Plus we have a game tonight so can we let this slide please?" I said and looked back at him with a glare.

Rick was looking all over my face then looked in my eyes before shoving me back down in my seat, but not as harshly as he did when he pulled me up. I sighed in relief, fixed my shirt then picked up my pencil from the floor as my team looked at me with looks on their faces.

𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆|| 𝖠𝖣𝖠𝖬 𝖡𝖠𝖭𝖪𝖲 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now