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In this psych ward, you will find the most peculiar of people. Some might even say 'Extraordinaire.'

You'd see the bipolar opposites and similars.

You'd see an array of color of the craziest, most deranged, or cynically sound, masterminds of psychopaths, sociopaths, and psychotics. Careful to find the differences.

You'd see the empty shells of humans who suffer from a raging depression.

You'd see carcasses and corpses of incensed homicidal maniacs who have become more like an animal or myth than a living human.

You'd see how the nurses or doctors only stayed a couple of months at most.

You'd see the most dedicated, patient, and unbreakable therapists snap and go into early retirement after only a year or two.

You'd see how nobodies family or friends ever visited because they simply couldn't. Not for any particular reason, just because the hospital wasn't equipped for that type of human-psych interaction.

You'd always see how the minute they are admitted, they never truly recover, but they aren't in there forever. Maybe 20 years if it's moderate, but never a lifetime.

You'd always see the article about the newest incident that happened, on the back page, in the bottom left column in the Sunday papers.

You'd see all these items listed above like they were in some brochure, but there was something else that you would see.

She was small, but not too little. Strong, but not buff. Slight, but not stalky. Thin, but not sickly. And she was quiet.

She seemed so... normal, it's like she was the one thing that doesn't belong when you compare the two pictures in a children's activity book.

She was the lost angel wandering the corridors of an unforgiving hell.

But she also had the strangest aura around her, like the air itself ceased to exist around her because of her mysterious nature.

She was mute, but spoke too much.

She was calm, but the definition of chaos, discord, and antisocial.

She was approachable, but a living night terror.

And she was only 12 when she had acquired the title 'Dämon' or 'Démon'...

To record, that is.

The Children of Psych Ward 41 (Summary)Where stories live. Discover now