Creation of the Lady

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The end of this chapter is a bit gory, nit blood gory, more horror? its a bit graphic so just fair warning. 


After what felt like an hour you noticed you and Heisenberg were outside 'The Church' aka the grand hall where Family meetings happened or if anyone wanted to talk to Miranda. You and Heinsberg walked up the few steps that lead to the church doors. Everything happened so quickly, Blood Bath Village, Being with Heinsberg, being confused with reality, finding out Heinsberg is your ex from a life before? AND NOW YOU ARE GONNA DO A TRIAL TO BE HIS LADY?? Everything has escalated from 0 to 4000 in a second. It was all just way too much for you.

"Y/N?" Heinsberg called you "H-Huh, what?" you responded, "I have been calling your name for like 15 minutes and you haven't answered, are you ok?" listening to what he told you, you shook your head "Yea I'm fine, just a lot happening I guess, let's go inside!" you rushed through the door with him following behind you. "MOTHER MIRANDA!" Heinsberg yelled out "No need to yell child" Mother Miranda said appearing Infront of you both. When she fully appeared, she had instantly noticed you, "Well, well, well" she started looking you up and down amazed at you. "Mother, we wish to ask you something, A simple request if you may." Heisenberg interrupted Mother Miranda's gaze on you "Oh? A request whatever for" she replied with a scoff turning her attention to Heisenberg. "We- "he started "I WANT TO BECOME LADY OF THE FACTORY!" you buttered in looking Miranda in the eyes who then responded by looking you in the eyes and she smiled but also had a slight bit of shock as this wasn't the request, she was expecting but at the same time it did?

'" So little Lady wishes to become the Lady of the factory?" Mother Miranda asked the question and slowly making eye contact back with Heinsberg. "You remember what happened to those that was to do this right?" she asked him, and he simply nodded, and she responded with a nod back "Very well then little girl, follow me" she said turning around and you complied and followed her.

After a while of following Mother Miranda, she motioned to a door "You are to stay in this room for 4 months, don't you worry though you won't 'be alone" she said the a smile as she had opened the door and pushed you in and slammed the door on you and you heard locks start clicking however you didn't remember seeing any locks when you were outside the door.

You looked around the room you were in and analyzed it, it was empty aside from one light built into the roof. A vent was in the right corner of the room, and there was water dripping in the left room. The room itself however spelt of blood, rotten fish, and rust? You questioned everything going on. However, while thinking about everything going on you didn't notice something coming through the vent until you heard a thud. A black pulp had dropped from the vents it was moving. Not anywhere but just breathing? It was a bubbly black ball, and it was looking at you, you didn't know how you knew that, but you just had a feeling it was staring at you. And you looked at it and smirked "A moving black pulp really?" you tilt you head, sure it scared you a bit when it came in and the fact it was like breathing but you thought it was a silly prank.

Oh boy. You were wrong. That black thing starting to grow a body, it wasn't a full body, but it tried to make one, it was a stretched leaking mess of black goop. You were fucking horrified. It came closer and you kept backing up with tears falling down your eyes. You had several things going through your head, such as, where is Heinsberg! Can anyone help? WHAT IS THAT THING, HESINBERG HELP, IM SCARED, PLEASE, STAY AWAY. All those things echoed through your head haunting you where so caught up in the overthinking breakdown that was starting you completely forgot about the black goop that was A LOT closer to you then what you thought.

Next minute it had grabbed onto you and pulled you into it and then the world went black, you couldn't tell if you where awake or asleep at this point. You felt something claw at your mouth and pried it open and you realized the black goop had you inside it and was forcing your jaw open. You gaged at this. And that was the opening it needed, and you felt it launch into your mouth as it forced its way in and down your throat. You laied on the flor after what felt 2 hours of that thing going down your throat. You were curled into a ball, one hand on your throat and the other on your mouth. Tears flowing rapidly down your face. You wanted to throw up. You could still feel that goop moving around in your stomach, you were not sure what the fuck it was doing but it scared you.

Was this the trial...

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