A Very Good Place To Start

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"I don't remember your face

Or your hair, or your name, or your smile."

"Nothing lasts forever," was the first thing the lady in red had told us before sending us away. Her head was twisted into a bun and clipped at the back of her head. Her heels clicked and echoed in the silent room as she paced back and forth on the otherwise empty stage. Her voice is calm as she speaks, remaining even as she assures that there is no reason to worry about the short lives she has described, serving only one purpose. A smile graces her face as she continues, "The children grow, and at a certain age, you visit less and less, leaving the child to blossom in their new environment without you. Each 'due date' is different. Some of you will live for a decade or so, while others may only live around a month or so. That's the unique thing about imaginary friends." I turn to the awestruck people sitting beside me, glancing briefly at their name tags. The one closest to me, Amelia, flips through her pamphlet, pale hands turned paler as she grips the paper, knuckles turning white.

I glance around the room. The crowd is doing the same as Amelia, eyes restlessly scanning the pamphlet until the lady disappears from the stage, the lights fading back on so they don't blind us. One by one, the rows file out in front of me, remaining in straight lines out the back doors. They don't seem to lead anywhere, just to a bright light, but not the sort of bright light that sticks to your eyelid when you close your eyes. It's a soft sort of bright, that peaceful, delicate light that draws you in. Our row is next, I realize, so I turn and follow close behind Amelia, accidentally stepping on the heel of her shoe.

"Sorry about that," I mutter as she glances over her shoulder. She quickly looks back, not replying to my apology. Keeping my head low, I still try to scan the faces of people as I walk, hoping at least one of them ends up living near me. I'd hate to be alone. The door draws near and my earlier curiosity melts into fear. A fear that consumes my soul and expands in my chest. Curiosity killed the cat...

"...but Satisfaction brought it back," a youthful voice finishes, as if reading my thoughts. A small girl sits in front of me, in a room I assume is her own. She giggles as she plays with her dolls, which includes a princess in a teal dress, a prince locked up in her toy tower, and a toy cat. Her brown, curly hair rests at her shoulders, her forest green eyes searching mine with overflowing excitement. She looks about four, maybe five. She wears a dress to match the princess in her hand, with handmade necklaces made from plastic beads clicking together as she moves. Her gaze shifts upwards, meeting mine once more as she pats the ground beside her. "Here! You can play with this one, Louisa!" I nod, hoping my confusion doesn't infiltrate my smile. Louisa? Is that my name?

"Thank you, dear." The words feel like styrofoam in my mouth, artificial and strange. The girl pushes herself up, skipping over to a series of shelves (which are about as tall as her) with colored baskets. She pulls one out, setting it on the ground and removing two more dolls, similar to the one she still holds.

"I got this one this morning," she says as she holds up a princess with blonde hair and a purple gown, "So I'll play with her and you can play with this one." She hands me a red haired doll in a navy dress. "We can play princess school, since I have four dolls. And also the cat. Though, the cat's name is Dog," she states matter-of-factly. "My Dad suggested that one. My Mom called him sarcastic, so I asked what that meant and she said silly. That makes it silly that the cat's name is Dog." I nod again, giggling along with her.

"It is silly, you're right." Something is off... I don't feel like myself. My head twitches slightly to the side, snapping me from my thoughts. 

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Song Used: Hallucinogenics by Matt Maeson

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Hello! Thank you for reading the first part of Imaginary :D

It's a short story I wrote in my creative writing class but I decided to share it here so yay. That is all I have to say at the moment but I hope you're doing well!

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