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   The group had found the shop to be mostly empty except for a few boxes. Berdly walked up to one and knelt down to examine it.
  "Pipis?" He reached in only for Rito to rush over at butler light speed to stop him.
   "Those are explosives....or something. Don't set them off."
   Berdly slowly retreats from the box, as if JoJo menacing symbols were around it. May paused and turned to Berdly.
   " eat chicken nuggets right?"
  "Yeah. Its the epic gamer sustenance I need!"
   She held her chin in thought," Aren't YOU a bird?"
  He nods. Then his smile slowly fades as he realizes something.
   "O-ok I know what you're thinking BUT they're uh- vegan." Nice save Berdly, He thinks to himself. May takes it and drops the topic but Berdly is now questioning himself and his food choices.
    Suddenly someone springs up from behind the counter causing a once chilling Gaster to fall off the chair next to it. Everyone looks up to see that its none other than-
   "Sup bitches! I have arrived, arrived!"
   "Jevil? What are you doing here?" Gaster questioned as he got up.
   Jevil floated in mid air with a smug aura," I was merely teleported back to my room! I am immune to memory wipes because I can do ANYTHING!"
Gaster pulls out a book and checks something," Huh, guess you can do that- alright then."
  Jevil went on to explain how we had left to knock some sense into his soap opera tv buddy, only to be stopped and yeeted away by Tasc Manager.
  May snorts in amusement,"Soap opera tv buddy??"
Jevil laughs," Yeah! We met over a phone call long long ago and had been friends since! We would watch and make fun of funny shows like those. Like seriously, what kid brings weed and cigars to school in 5th grade and causes a fire that burns the building down-" he lands on the ground and looks at Rito, Berdly, and Gaster.
   "Oh yeah, who are these people?" He waves Berdly off," except him, I know who he is! You got mugged by a 4ft4 scammer hahaha!"
   Berdly scoffed and crossed his arms," He offered me a 19 dollar Fortnite card! I couldn't resist!"
  "And you got a 19 dollar beating!"
Rito holds Berdly back as the enraged gamer tries to break free using wave dash.
    Rito and Gaster introduce themselves. Jevil lights up once Gaster was done greeting him.
  "OHHHH FRIEND! Hahaha! Thanks for teaching me that Numbers game by the way! Its fun, FUN!"
  "Jevil I swear to god, how many times did I tell you that game kills people-"
  "About 18471993381 times!" He smiles while twirling his scythe. Gaster sighed and made a mental note to check on the other people he came into contact with. May asked how he got here without someone carrying his weapon. Jevil shrugged and said he got the ability to just leave without that happening. The group spends a couple more minutes in the old shop before heading to the door to leave. At that moment, May felt odd. It was colder than before and it felt like she was losing energy of some kind...
  Berdly looked back when he noticed that May had stopped walking. He stops and tilts his head," Is it just me or did May lose some color just now?"
  Lose some color? She looks at herself to notice that some parts of her attire had faded noticeably. She also saw that her hands and parts of her skin turned an grayish-white color...kind of like Y/n's now that she thought about it.
  "Bruh, what is this?"
Gaster furrows his brow in thought and takes out his book again. He flips through the pages until he lands on one.
"Excuse me I'm new to this role of mine," he clears his throat," it says here in the code section that, if an outside entity switched with someone in an Au. The person that is targeted loses their colors to them resulting in the target immediately fading into nonexistence."
  "oh....great." May internally loses her shit.
Gaster finds the car and calls everyone over," Come on we gotta get going, it seems that we can't waste much more time."
  Before anyone could protest, Jevil jumps into the driver's seat. Everyone else sat in the back. As the team speeds off, Jevil turns to his captive passengers.
  "Next stop, THE CASTLE! WOooOooOo- hey do you all have a team name?"
  "S-sir watch out for-"
Someone crashed onto the car window. Jevil blinked and turned to see a deerlike lightner.
  "Ew venison." he uses the window wiper to get her off the window. Rito doesn't question it now. Jevil turns back and plucks a hat out of the void," You already KNOW what time it is! Throw your papers in clowns, whichever May grabs is the team name, name!"
  They cast their papers in after writing down their ideas. Jevil takes his hand off the steering wheel to shake the hat and give it to May. He is now using his tail to steer. Luckily, no one was on the road at the moment.

ahahha yes democracy time-

*Take the neat paper*
*Take the black and white paper*
*Take the mt.dew scented paper*
*Take the clown paper*

(Mt. Dew it is!)

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