[Surprised Queen noises]

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"Ok everyone I brought pizza! OH!"

Everyone looks over at Queen who had walked into the wrecked hall, pizza boxes in hand.
"Well the last time that happened you kind of died." Ralsei said while high on that special item he found in CyberCity.
"Ralsei! Stop getting high, WHY'D YOU TELL HER THAT?" Kris slaps the blunt away from Ralsei," also who the hell are you!?" He points to Xp.
As everyone starts chaotically talking at once, Tasc Manager walks in dragging Jevil by the ear and cracks her whip while shouting ORDER, silencing everyone.
She takes a breath," I think we need to discuss this in an ORDERLY fashion. Everything is confusing as !$*/ right now!"
"HAH, you swore!"
She throws Jevil to the side and clapped her hands. A huge table and chairs fall down and she pulls out a seat," sit."
Everyone gathers at the table, an annoyed Tasc Manager is a scary one. She turns towards the door she came from and snaps her fingers," You too Swatch."
Swatch shakingly steps into the hall and sits next to Tasc Manager.
"Alright. First question to start things, what do you mean Queen died she's right there-"
Everyone looks at Spamton. He nervously laughs," Ahah, ahem, I [rapidly shrinked] her [life] while taking over this [world] the first time..." He tells her of the Queen clone and the events that happened.
"Oh great, so all of CyberCity had their memories tampered with multiple times."
"O-k then."
Queen erupts in laughter causing Spamton to look over.
"You fool! I HAVE 70 ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNTS!" Her eyes flashed LMAO on its screen.
"What do you [mean] by that?"
Queen kicks back and puts her heels up onto the table," I reuploaded myself with each update you made silly man! I had my data stored in the cloud which was on the internet! My reinstallation was completed last night wOHOHOHOHO!"
"[Confused noises]-"
"Alright," Kris interrupts," now who are you and why did you suddenly show up?"
"Hm?" Xp looks up from the odd pocket watch," Oh. Ghaster could explain that easily."
How did we go from a battle to a table meeting, May thought. I know right? , Jevil replied. Haha yeah- HEY STOP READING MY THOUGHTS!, May kicks Jevil out.

Ghaster went on to explain to Kris that Rito and Xp were in on helping them with their Y/n problem. Xp was an ex resistance member during Spamton's first takeover acting as an arms dealer/base under the guise of a thrift shop. Cable, Nubert, and Ads were also ex resistance members as well. They were part of the back up team that came just as Y/n set off the spell. Originally, May was supposed to take down Spamton with the backup team's help and restore Queen only to have him return causing Sweet, Cap'n, and Cakes to reunite the others and help fight Spamton as the leaders again. A typical storyline, until Y/n came along. Furthermore, Rito just wanted to help his friend out and agreed to join Ghaster in his mission.

"Ooooo, what was my role in the original story?" Berdly asked," Do I swoop in and save my voluptuous Queen from doom?"
Queen's screen flashed the word pain for a brief second.
"Berdly, you were going to get mugged anyway." Ghaster replied causing the gamer to grieve at the fact that a tiny gremlin can jump him with a trashcan.
Queen plays with her drink in thought before taking a sip.
"You know...chilling in the cloud was like a little vacation for me. I have decided that being a ruler is boring!" She raised her glass to Spamton," Alright big shot you got the job! I want to go on adventures and humiliate that weird king in the next realm over!" She laughed regally. Spamton glitches in shock,"[!$#? the presses!] are you for [real]?!"
Queen nods as her screen flashes a yes," Now I just need a living space..."
"Well, you could stay at castletown-" Ralsei suggested to which Queen happily agreed to do so while claiming to be their new WaCkY rOoMatE.

"[I can't believe its BUTTER!]" Spamton happily glitches while raving about how he was finally a big shot. Swatch scoffed and stood up to protest only to stiffen when a hand grabbed his shoulder. He looks at Tasc Manager who shakes her head. He slowly sits back down. Ads notices this and comes up with an idea.
Spamton snaps out from his power trip," Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes [valued employee]?"
"Would it be possible for the Addisons and Swatchlings to help around the castle? Its a crowd I know but you could forgivethemandmaybewecouldhaveakickassteamtofixtheplaceupanddefendit-"
Spamton silences Ads with his hand,"[Say no more!] I have done some thinking myself as well! On my terms and conditions, both groups can live like [BiG shOts] here!"
"Oh cool!...what are the terms and conditions?"
He pulls out a list.

Later on, Queen left with the Fun Gang to live in CastleTown but promised to drop in randomly to check on things. Swatch got the Color Cafe back and a new shop opened up next to them called, YOU GUESSED IT, Pipis Enterprises now ran by the Addisons with Ads being the boss. MS stayed in his shop, Macrosteel softwares, pc has problems? then its probably an HP. Ghaster helped the others fix their memories during this and CyberCity came to accept Spamton as their leader.
The rest of the gang got to also live in the palace and its retro/vaporwavey aesthetic. Sweet, Cap'n, and Cakes got to play the background music for the place. Tasc Manager managed her huge tasc army. May got to be head of the defense team with Berdly as co leader. Rito, Xp, Rouxls, and Jevil got to be the special recon team with Ghaster to monitor and protect the Au from outside threats. Oh yeah and the spin cake guy- he somehow made it onto the defense team. We don't know how but he's there now.
With the universe now stable and entity free, absolutely nooothhiinngg will think about messing with this place.

We'll just have to wait and see >:)

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