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legends are remembered in stories but heroes will always rise again to protect the weak


3 Days after the Stronghold battle


 No One's POV

only 3 days after the final battle at the stronghold,the fleet was restored to full strength but was never restored to its full might,no amount of ships,no variety of weapons,no amount of people could fill the gaping hole that was made from the death of the White Calamity 

the news spread fast to the other half of the fleet that was not present at the final battle and learning of the tragedy,their emotions and mood fared no better than the rest that were present at the battle

his death would echo as a reminder to them all,there was no victory in sacrifice but there would be no victory without it,even breaking through Iron Blood's iron pride,it was a solid reminder to all ships of Azur Lane,from here and to the future,no matter how powerful you are,no matter how strong,how smart,how fast and how kind you are,only those who are truly strong and understand have the strength to sacrifice for everyone around them

it did not matter what battle they had fought,how many they fought or how they fought it,the truest battles were fought against themselves and only the strong won came out on top in the battle against one self

Ladon had set the bar for a what a ship should be and he left it to the girls with his death but the girls knew,that no one would meet the bar,there was no way for them to be like him,they had won but what cost,they were lost,without purpose and without meaning,with nothing to do but stay in their base,their home,that now held little meaning for the world

the Leaders continued with their now dull and lifeless duty,keeping order between the factions on the base and organizing to keep everything in order,the ships of Azur Lane lived like any other day,waking up,doing work,going to sleep,repeat

Enterprise and Laffey however,being the ones who were struck the hardest couldn't go and live their days back to normal,both were locked in their rooms,isolated at their own wish to be alone,thinking back to the loss they suffered 3 days ago

they couldn't just go back,their will,their reason,their beacon was gone,sunk beneath the waves to never shine his light,to them,everything was dark,there was no reason to move from where they were and the people around them could do little to ease their pain

10 Days after the Stronghold battle

though Azur Lane's morale and spirit was down and low,the report to their superiors went forward to bring humanity the good news,despite their loss in the battle,they had won the war,the Sirens were no more,after all the years of strife,death and war,humanities enemy was no longer there to bring them all pain

the nations and factions celebrated with cities turning into the largest parties the world had ever seen,it mattered little where you were from or what you had done,there was so much joy in the world that people did not care

Azur Lane HQ even held their own party,looking to celebrate the victory over the Sirens after their long and grueling fight against the Sirens for years,many of its staff were victims of the Siren's attacks and it was safe to say that they were all glad to know the cause of their pain was no more

HQ,wanting to celebrate with everyone,sent an invitation to the fleet as the whole of HQ partied in full throttle,with beer,soda,expensive food and all the knobs turned to the maximum,realizing the message would take too long to reach the fleet,1st Seat High Admiral John Tempest picked up the phone in the main multi purpose role hall in the base as he dialed up the Azur Lane pacific base to invite the girls to the party

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