The Rescue

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Edit:hey quick side note,I completely forgot to add the pics because I made the last part on a separate device that was also logged into my account,so it had slipped my mind when it came to the pics,sorry about that,I'll be taking care of stuff like that better in the future,again sorry

Edit2:I fixed the picture problem finally and refined the chapter


Ladon's POV


we got on my ship as Sis and Warspite summon their rigging,I put my ship into full speed,heading towards the island,where Sheffield and Edinburgh are,when we got near,it got foggy,which wouldn't be to much of a problem but it would get annoying to fire our guns as we wouldn't be able to see all too well,

despite that I continued to sail toward the island,when we got there,we saw a massive ruin with destroyed building everywhere,I heard and saw a few Sakura Empire aircraft,flying above the decimated city,near the cities coast as I saw the Sakura Empire fleet,that was trying to recover the high value object that was stolen

with them were numerous siren production models,I could count at least 50 or maybe even 70  Siren ships while Sakurans appeared to have 4 Carriers,2 Battleships,2 Cruisers and a Destroyer,it didn't look like the best composition for a fleet but I couldn't underestimate my opponents yet

there was also the Iron Blood task force that was somewhere in the city and we also had no idea where our allies where in this massive wreck of a city but we needed to find them get them out of here

Ladon:Warspite,can you radio,Sheffield and Edinburgh

Warspite:I'll try

she tapped an earpiece that came with her rigging as she tries to contact the 2 maids

Warspite:Sheffield,Edinburgh,do you hear Me

Sheffield(through radio):we hear you Ms.Warspite

Warspite:alright,stay were you are,wee coming to get you

Sheffield(through radio):we're held up in the tower,near the center of the island,the Sakura Empire's planes are making it hard to leave

Warspite:alright and what about the civilian

Edinburgh(through radio):she's with us

Warspite:alright,stay where you are,wee coming to get you

Edinburgh(through radio):understood

Ladon;tower near the center huh,yah I can see them now,getting close will not be easy

Warspite:so what's the plan

Ladon:go with sis and rescue Sheffield and Edinburgh,I'll draw away the Sakurans attention so they draw back their planes,that way you 2 can get to them undetected

Laffey:no,Laffey will help brother

Ladon:sis I know your worried but getting those 2 out of here is our top priority,so go with Warspite and escort them out of here,

Laffey:ok then

Ladon:thank you,fire a shot into the air when your out


Ladon:also,beware of the Iron Bloods task force,their somewhere in the city

Warspite:ok,good luck

Ladon:to you both as well

we split up as Warspite and sis,enter the the city while I go and confront the Sakura Empire

I sailed towards them with my rig,ready for a fight,I look towards them as it seems that they haven't notice me yet,I fired a warning shot over them as they seemed to get startled by it,the look over to me,who was standing with sword and rig at the ready

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