Rest And Relaxation

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Ladon's POV

I sailed the waves at high speed as Me and Sis,caught up with fleet,we saw them in their current condition and they only suffered minor to mediocre damage,nothing fatal,if I hadn't taken on the Yamato's then it might have ended up differently

I was determined to prove Eugen wrong and I was not going to fail that,even if I have to sacrifice myself for it,then I notice,Sis staring at me with worry,she probably noticed my behavior and worry,I felt her hug me from the side as I couldn't help but smile from her care,I pat her head to reassure that I'm fine as she looks up to Me

Laffey:is brother fine

Ladon:I'm ok Sis,just having to think that's all

Laffey:brother seems worried

Ladon:it's nothing,really,just thinking about something that someone said

I could see that she wasn't convinced but she didn't say anything which is better as I don't want to worry her to much,I then realize that 3 people had boarded my ship,I turn around to see Warspite,Enterprise and Q.E behind me,they cam closer but stopped at a distance

Warspite:you had quite the one sided fight with the 3 Yamato's,are you alright

Ladon:I'm fine,just a couple of grazes

Enterprise:what you did was impressive but also reckless

Ladon:that's honestly funny coming from you but I won't deny it

Q.E:you could have at least gone with a single cruiser

Ladon:it would have been better if I didn't,she might have gotten in the crossfire and I'd hate to have to watch over an injured while fighting the Yamato Class

Enterprise:still,that was dangerous,that fight could have gone a lot worse,if luck wasn't there

Ladon:your right,luck wasn't there,only instinct

Q.E:just try not to be so reckless next time,a lot of the girls have grown a liking to you,it would pain a lot of them to see you gone

Ladon:can't promise anything about that Q.E

With that the 3 left my ship and went back to their ship,leaving me and Laffey alone as we sail back to base

With the 3 girls

Q.E:you like him don't you

Enterprise:excuse me

Q.E:there is no denying that a lot of the girls are falling for him but I can clearly see that you are 1 of them

Enterprise started blushing as she started to stutter a bit

Enterprise:I-I don't know what y-you're talking about

Warspite:there is no denying it Enterprise,you like him,your 2 are quite similar in a way,both are always being somewhat reckless in battle,likes to shoulder the burden of others on their own,despite being cold sometimes,does care about everyone,a lot and cares for their sisters more than anything else

Enterprise:w-was it r-really that o-obvious


Enterprise:I-I see but I doubt he has any interest in me

Q.E:don't say things such as that,if he does not have interest in you now,does not mean that he won't have interest in the future,you only need to catch his eye

Enterprise:I see

Enterprise(mind):Ladon,why do I feel this way about you,is this what Belfast said about Love,do I love you,will you even accept me

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